Y by AlienGirl05
Summary of the problem: In the New Forums collection, many of the forums are duplicated, although some have slightly different information (likely due to the forum being edited by its admin(s)). Typically only one of the two has threads, and I believe this is the only way to access
Page URL: https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c74_new_forums
Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to the link
2. You should see duplicates of some forums
Expected behavior: Each forum appears once
Frequency: Every time
Additional information: Typically only one of the two has threads, and from creating forums in the past I believe this is the only way to access the duplicate. Also not all of the forums are duplicated. Another reason to suspect these are duplicates are the forums with similar names have the same admin.
Page URL: https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c74_new_forums
Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to the link
2. You should see duplicates of some forums
Expected behavior: Each forum appears once
Frequency: Every time
Additional information: Typically only one of the two has threads, and from creating forums in the past I believe this is the only way to access the duplicate. Also not all of the forums are duplicated. Another reason to suspect these are duplicates are the forums with similar names have the same admin.