Upcoming Stuff!
by shiningsunnyday, Apr 9, 2016, 3:07 PM
Hey all! First, you may notice that my background changed. As the picture shows, high school is essentially me, running for that light at the end of the tunnel.
Upcoming stuff:
The CEMC Euclid is on Wednesday.
Although I do not usually regard Canadian competitions favorably, as they're often quite different from US contests in nature, but I have to kind of deal with it cause my school somehow doesn't register for American ones and spend all their budget on Canadian contests.
Anyways I'm still going to try my best. My goal, as it had been for the other Canadian competitions this year, is to get number one in my school, which shouldn't be too hard.
My 16th birthday is on Friday, April 15!
Here's my birthday present list:
-104 Number Theory Problems
-102 Combinatorics Problems
-103 Trigonometry Problems
-107 Geometry Problems
Kobe's last NBA game is Thurs against the Jazz.
Kobe Bryant has been my role model for a long time, and it's so sad seeing that it's going to be his last game. To honor perhaps the single most important figure I contribute my work ethic/passion to, I'm going to skip school on Thurs to watch the game.
My 1000th post is just 5 posts away!
It's quite coincidental it's also at the same time of my birthday. I thought about doing something fancy, but I really don't have the time. It will be, however, sort of special.
School recently is killing me. Parent teacher conferences are over, and many teachers are not pleased with my drop of performance in semester 2 this school year, and many teachers don't appreciate my dad explaining to them that it's because I've been devoting a lot of time to math competitions.
Worse, I have 3 B's, and my dad rages at me everyday whenever he sees me doing math... yelling "YOU HAVE NO SENSE OF PRIORITY. 3 B's, AND I PROMISE YOU YOUR CHANCES OF ANY IVY LEAGUE OR MIT IS OVER. SAT! GPA! IF YOUR SCORES STILL SUCK YOUR FUTURE IS OVER." Occasionally, he becomes even more hurtful: "You know what. Just do math. Stop doing homework. Don't worry about your failing grades. It's ok. Just do math. (In a very low and dark tone)"
Plus, my English teacher is insane. There's literally 5-6 assignments and ongoing projects going on at once, in English alone! My teacher holds some ill-natured feelings against me, and she's been extra-strict on grading my papers... Recently, she gave us an insane worksheet as homework, asking us to find like 20 quotes in Grapes of Wrath, ones that demonstrate the character traits of each character; it was just dead-tiring menial work, scouring through the pages finding quotes! Many of my classmates copied off one another, and I decided to do so as well at the beginning of my biology class. My biology teacher saw me doing so, and quickly reported it to my English teacher, who reported it to the vice principal. So apparently I copied half a sentence of a freaking quote and now the vice principal is after me for cheating. Great.
AP US History exam is in one month, and my APUSH grade is also extremely low. So much content to know. And yet every time I memorize another event/name/date for APUSH, I can literally feel my math books watching me, beckoning me with sad looks... After that is SAT USH Subject Test. I also have a Calc BC exam and Math Level 2 SAT coming up, so I do have to at least review a bit for that stuff...
Worse, I have 3 B's, and my dad rages at me everyday whenever he sees me doing math... yelling "YOU HAVE NO SENSE OF PRIORITY. 3 B's, AND I PROMISE YOU YOUR CHANCES OF ANY IVY LEAGUE OR MIT IS OVER. SAT! GPA! IF YOUR SCORES STILL SUCK YOUR FUTURE IS OVER." Occasionally, he becomes even more hurtful: "You know what. Just do math. Stop doing homework. Don't worry about your failing grades. It's ok. Just do math. (In a very low and dark tone)"
Plus, my English teacher is insane. There's literally 5-6 assignments and ongoing projects going on at once, in English alone! My teacher holds some ill-natured feelings against me, and she's been extra-strict on grading my papers... Recently, she gave us an insane worksheet as homework, asking us to find like 20 quotes in Grapes of Wrath, ones that demonstrate the character traits of each character; it was just dead-tiring menial work, scouring through the pages finding quotes! Many of my classmates copied off one another, and I decided to do so as well at the beginning of my biology class. My biology teacher saw me doing so, and quickly reported it to my English teacher, who reported it to the vice principal. So apparently I copied half a sentence of a freaking quote and now the vice principal is after me for cheating. Great.
AP US History exam is in one month, and my APUSH grade is also extremely low. So much content to know. And yet every time I memorize another event/name/date for APUSH, I can literally feel my math books watching me, beckoning me with sad looks... After that is SAT USH Subject Test. I also have a Calc BC exam and Math Level 2 SAT coming up, so I do have to at least review a bit for that stuff...
Upcoming stuff:
The CEMC Euclid is on Wednesday.
Although I do not usually regard Canadian competitions favorably, as they're often quite different from US contests in nature, but I have to kind of deal with it cause my school somehow doesn't register for American ones and spend all their budget on Canadian contests.

My 16th birthday is on Friday, April 15!
Here's my birthday present list:

-104 Number Theory Problems
-102 Combinatorics Problems
-103 Trigonometry Problems
-107 Geometry Problems
Kobe's last NBA game is Thurs against the Jazz.
Kobe Bryant has been my role model for a long time, and it's so sad seeing that it's going to be his last game. To honor perhaps the single most important figure I contribute my work ethic/passion to, I'm going to skip school on Thurs to watch the game.
My 1000th post is just 5 posts away!
It's quite coincidental it's also at the same time of my birthday. I thought about doing something fancy, but I really don't have the time. It will be, however, sort of special.
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by shiningsunnyday, Apr 9, 2016, 3:14 PM