2017 Motivation

by shiningsunnyday, Dec 31, 2016, 4:37 PM

Hammering in the last nail of my grandma's coffin at the funeral yesterday was a slap-in-the-face reality check. After rushing to the hospital 3 days ago to see my grandma motionless and pale with my dad and aunts crying, the weight of the situation took a long time to get to me. Initially, I felt I stepped into a Shakespearean play; the scene is nothing more than part of a set up play and that, after a few days when school starts, my grandma would once again escort me out the door every morning, eat dinner with my dad and I at night, and tell me to sleep early as I head to my bedroom having hidden a red bull in my pocket.

Junior year second semester starts on Wednesday.

That fiercely hard-working, stubborn and cocky freshman year self gone; so had the depressed, me-against-the-world misfit sophomore me. As of now, I feel that I'm now the maturest and most appreciative I've ever been. The loss of my grandma has made me rethink a lot of the things I take for granted in this world - from necessities to family to education. The experiences I've gone through and am going through all serve to improve myself and help me extract my potential. They've made me strive to see the silver linings in the most exhaustive times and to observe the positive and negative situations of my life, and irregardless learn from each experience. There exists no such thing as stress or pressure - these are all states of minds that your body serves to prepare you to embrace new challenges and develop yourself. How you make use of them, however, is entirely up to you.

For some people, it's perfectively fine of them to decide to stay on the comfort lane and travel the same roads others have, as then they avoid the prejudices of others and "fit in." However, I've learned to not ignore the fact that at all times in history there has existed a vanguard who're constantly going off roads, failing to clear a new road, failing, then trying again. This the kind of person my grandma was throughout her life as a distinguished teacher, principal, and mother, and it's similar to who I desire to become. As opposed to flouting school rules and attempting to bolster my own reputation by degrading others, now I respect the conventions set by my authorities. I've learned to respect the flaws and imperfections of school and society while still maintaining constant optimism, so that when the opportunity comes, to set my own mark on unchartered grounds.

All in all, the next 5 months will be extremely exciting. Let's get the party started.



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Hope you have a happy and productive new year!

by MathAwesome123, Dec 31, 2016, 5:28 PM

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How did you mature from your sophomore self? That was me and now I've decided to actually put a lot of boredom in school to good use but I still harbor resentment to the school system for giving me chronic boredom and laziness when learning things(not applying myself fully).

by First, Dec 31, 2016, 6:15 PM

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Are you going to make a new 2017 blog and scrap/lock this blog? Also I want your autograph if you make MOP.

by First, Jan 1, 2017, 5:24 AM

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My condolences about your grandmother. She sounds like a very kind person.

by cjquines0, Jan 3, 2017, 10:14 AM

The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.


+ January 2018
  • The blog is locked right?

    by First, Apr 14, 2018, 6:00 PM

  • Great, amazing, inspiring blog. Good luck in life, and just know I aspire to succeed as you will in the future.

    by mgrimalo, Apr 7, 2018, 6:19 PM

  • Yesyesyes

    by shiningsunnyday, Mar 29, 2018, 5:30 PM

  • :O a new background picture

    by MathAwesome123, Mar 29, 2018, 3:39 PM

  • did you get into MIT?

    by 15Pandabears, Mar 15, 2018, 10:42 PM

  • wait what new site?

    by yegkatie, Feb 11, 2018, 1:49 AM

  • Yea, doing a bit of cleaning before migrating to new site

    by shiningsunnyday, Jan 21, 2018, 2:43 PM

  • Were there posts made in December 2017 for this blog and then deleted?

    I ask because I was purging my thunderbird inbox and I found emails indicating new blog posts of yours.

    email do not lie

    by jonlin1000, Jan 21, 2018, 12:12 AM

  • @below sorry not accepting contribs

    by shiningsunnyday, Dec 11, 2017, 11:15 AM

  • contrib plez?
    also wow this blog is very popular

    by DavidUsa, Dec 10, 2017, 7:53 PM

  • @First: lol same

    first shout of december

    by coolmath34, Dec 6, 2017, 2:32 PM

  • XD this blog is hilarious

    by Mitsuku, Nov 21, 2017, 7:40 PM

  • @wu2481632: stop encouraging SSD to procrastinate(blog entries are fun but procrastination isn't).

    by First, Aug 7, 2017, 5:02 PM

  • 3.5 weeks without a post :o

    by Flash12, Aug 4, 2017, 8:10 AM

  • First august shout!!

    by adik7, Aug 1, 2017, 6:52 AM

416 shouts
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