AP Week Narration
by shiningsunnyday, May 5, 2016, 4:43 AM
Sleep? That word sounds familiar...
I'll update some of my thoughts from now until the APUSH exam below.
Final edit: Finished exam 3 hours ago, reflection post coming up
Note: I've deleted the last post in place of this one. Sorry Sun and MathAwesome whose comments I deleted. Feel free to comment here.
I'll update some of my thoughts from now until the APUSH exam below.
Wed, May 4, 8 AM
In the school library doing APUSH (AP students don't have to go to classes today)
Wed, May 4, 10 AM
In the school library doing APUSH. Wait darn I forgot to eat breakfast. Should I go get stuff to eat? Nah the time walking to the cafeteria can be spent reviewing more stuff on the revolutionary war.
Wed, May 4, 1 PM
Just got back but still really hungry after lunch. Well... back to APUSH readings... wait. That girl over there, she's in my grade, and she's been here the whole morning like I did. She didn't even get lunch! What apretty, hard-working girl. Alright Michael stop daydreaming now get to work. Back to reading about the constitutional conventions...
Wed, May 4, 2 PM
Darn she left.
Wed, May 4, 7: 30 PM
Came home at 3: 30 PM and slept till now. OH NO! I don't think I can sleep tonight.
I can't just sleep in the Calc BC exam. Anyways I should prob review some differentiation/integration laws and some series tests.
Wed, May 4, 9: 30 PM
Just finishedmemorizing deriving all the derivative/integrals you need to know. Reviewing all the series tests right now. Will take a bath after that and study APUSH to about 12 PM, then try to sleep for the BC exam tomorrow. Here's a soul-sucking song, for those anxious for your APs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIOMRiQaB-U
Wed, May 4, nearing 12 AM
I should probably sleep...
Thurs, May 5, 12: 30 PM
I fell asleep at around 3: 30 AM last night. Just finished BC. It was a complete breeze, as expected, although the atmosphere made things much more anxious than expected. For example, my proctor had to go through a ENDLESS list of Do nots
I'll dedicate the remaining 20 mins of this 30-min section to shout out to my graders. Although you guys have to grade through millions of exam papers, I want you to know your passion are not only significant but inspiring. After my proctor enumerated one-by-one every single policy for this exam, I've not only become incredibly appreciate of your work but also enlightened by your dedication to the integrity of this exam. It is because of you guys that kids are so willingly to shed all those drops of sweat, not just for this exam but for other exams like APUSH (no I didn't write this) as well. They're given a motivation for them to work hard on preparing for APs like it's their last objective in life. You guys are truly fantastic. Accept my love for you all. Keep it up!
Hopefully they won't detect the sarcasm.
This afternoon will probably be the most intense APUSH session ever, as I have literally 150 years of history to review, and because BC already drained out my energy from my 3 hours of sleep last night, the only thing I can feel to drive me is my pure will. Will update later.
Thurs, May 5, 3 PM
In the zone.
EDIT 10:
Thurs, May 5, 5 PM
Yawning approx. 3-4 times/min. I can crash any second...
EDIT 11:
Thurs, May 5, 6: 30 PM
Just ate, am procrastinating a bit... STOP PROCRASTINATING. Alright, I'll take a 5-min nap and listen to a song, and by the end of the song, I'll force this
lump of fat otherwise known as my body back onto my chair.
EDIT 12:
Thurs, May 5, 10: 30 PM
Guys halp I'm freaking out.
Wed, May 4, 8 AM
In the school library doing APUSH (AP students don't have to go to classes today)
Wed, May 4, 10 AM
In the school library doing APUSH. Wait darn I forgot to eat breakfast. Should I go get stuff to eat? Nah the time walking to the cafeteria can be spent reviewing more stuff on the revolutionary war.
Wed, May 4, 1 PM
Just got back but still really hungry after lunch. Well... back to APUSH readings... wait. That girl over there, she's in my grade, and she's been here the whole morning like I did. She didn't even get lunch! What a
Wed, May 4, 2 PM
Darn she left.
Wed, May 4, 7: 30 PM
Came home at 3: 30 PM and slept till now. OH NO! I don't think I can sleep tonight.

Wed, May 4, 9: 30 PM
Just finished
Wed, May 4, nearing 12 AM
I should probably sleep...
Thurs, May 5, 12: 30 PM
I fell asleep at around 3: 30 AM last night. Just finished BC. It was a complete breeze, as expected, although the atmosphere made things much more anxious than expected. For example, my proctor had to go through a ENDLESS list of Do nots
Do not go to the bathroom. Do not move around. Do not cause a disturbance. Do not stand up. Do not have any electronic devices open. Do not bring food into the testing room.
*light-years later*
Do not look at anyone of the opposite gender around you, as that would be considered flirting and you would be kicked out.
Do not get a heart attack or fake a heart attack.
Do not stand up even if there is a fire, in which protecting your exam papers is prioritized over your life.
Do not ditch your test if terrorists come into the testing room, or if nuclear war starts at some point during the exam.
Do not die.
Ok that's a joke, but you get what I mean.
. I literally dozed off about three times during the exam. I guess it was pure will that allowed me to bash through all the steps. I won't talk about specific probs (prohibited until it's released online), but I did have fun writing a cute message to my graders at the end of one of the sections, when I bored as hell. Although it sounded nice, it contains a deeper message. It went something like this:*light-years later*
Do not look at anyone of the opposite gender around you, as that would be considered flirting and you would be kicked out.
Do not get a heart attack or fake a heart attack.
Do not stand up even if there is a fire, in which protecting your exam papers is prioritized over your life.
Do not ditch your test if terrorists come into the testing room, or if nuclear war starts at some point during the exam.
Do not die.
Ok that's a joke, but you get what I mean.
I'll dedicate the remaining 20 mins of this 30-min section to shout out to my graders. Although you guys have to grade through millions of exam papers, I want you to know your passion are not only significant but inspiring. After my proctor enumerated one-by-one every single policy for this exam, I've not only become incredibly appreciate of your work but also enlightened by your dedication to the integrity of this exam. It is because of you guys that kids are so willingly to shed all those drops of sweat, not just for this exam but for other exams

Hopefully they won't detect the sarcasm.

This afternoon will probably be the most intense APUSH session ever, as I have literally 150 years of history to review, and because BC already drained out my energy from my 3 hours of sleep last night, the only thing I can feel to drive me is my pure will. Will update later.
Thurs, May 5, 3 PM
In the zone.
EDIT 10:
Thurs, May 5, 5 PM
Yawning approx. 3-4 times/min. I can crash any second...
EDIT 11:
Thurs, May 5, 6: 30 PM
Just ate, am procrastinating a bit... STOP PROCRASTINATING. Alright, I'll take a 5-min nap and listen to a song, and by the end of the song, I'll force this

EDIT 12:
Thurs, May 5, 10: 30 PM
Guys halp I'm freaking out.
Final edit: Finished exam 3 hours ago, reflection post coming up
Note: I've deleted the last post in place of this one. Sorry Sun and MathAwesome whose comments I deleted. Feel free to comment here.
This post has been edited 9 times. Last edited by shiningsunnyday, May 6, 2016, 7:31 AM