Goals revisited + some short-term and long-term goals
by shiningsunnyday, May 7, 2017, 5:12 PM
...life is always more fun with goals!
Goals posted as of a post in September:
Git gud enough to consistently solve USAMO 1/4s
Test the waters of research
Back to APUSH!
Partial success?
Raise my PSAT/SAT scores
Be a more charismatic person
Get a 4.0
Pass the f=ma exam
Try not to die of stress
Then of course, I'm pretty happy with my contest results this year - nothing extremely wondrous (rip 3 points off 252 USAMO index goal, one problem off MOP dream), but still solid enough for me to retire happy from junior year after an excruciating school year. USAMO HM next year?
Looking forward, the future feels both secure and insecure at the same time, so let's start with some goals from now until the end of summer:
I've got some greater ambitions for senior year, but will probably not reveal until after summer.
Goals posted as of a post in September:
- [Goal] [Priority] (Difficulty)
- Get a 4.0 [10/10] (6/10)
- Gid gud enough to consistently solve USAMO 1/4s [9/10] (11/10)
- Test the waters of research [6/10] (?/10)
- Raise my PSAT/SAT scores [8/10] (7/10)
- Back to APUSH! [6/10] (8/10)
- Pass the f=ma exam [5/10] (7/10)
- Be a more charismatic person [4/10] (12/10)
- Try not to die of stress
Git gud enough to consistently solve USAMO 1/4s
Well yay - I got mostly through Lemmas and WOOT (maybe not towards the end
) and I did a lot of problems in general.
I took out USAMO 1 and 4 with surprising ease (took me only a combined ~70 mins) so yay I guess on this goal

I took out USAMO 1 and 4 with surprising ease (took me only a combined ~70 mins) so yay I guess on this goal
Test the waters of research
This went way better than expected!
ISEF regionals was fun (and perhaps even a surprise) - will write more complete reflection + advice for future aspirants after ISEF as many people have PM'ed/FB'ed me asking me to describe it
I would say, however, that ISEF isn't research in the most traditional sense (MIT Primes), but it's still been fun and CJ and myself are both very thankful to be named ISEF finalists (even though he might still find a way to say the glass is half empty)
ISEF regionals was fun (and perhaps even a surprise) - will write more complete reflection + advice for future aspirants after ISEF as many people have PM'ed/FB'ed me asking me to describe it
I would say, however, that ISEF isn't research in the most traditional sense (MIT Primes), but it's still been fun and CJ and myself are both very thankful to be named ISEF finalists (even though he might still find a way to say the glass is half empty)

Back to APUSH!
So darn yay - consumed an entire review textbook (up until 1980s...) over the course of the school year and up till the exam, which I felt went pretty smooth - so expecting a 5, 4 at worst.
USH is actually really interesting, esp. with the privilege this year of not having to rush on assignments and worry about grades - I might as well finish the textbook and review some stuff as I'm taking SAT II USH in ~a month.
USH is actually really interesting, esp. with the privilege this year of not having to rush on assignments and worry about grades - I might as well finish the textbook and review some stuff as I'm taking SAT II USH in ~a month.
Partial success?
Raise my PSAT/SAT scores
So PSAT was a success, but SAT was not... retaking in August, but I unfortunately realized that since I'll be spending most time at Ross I'll have little time to study rip
Be a more charismatic person
Well I guess I have solidified a niche in school - and of course all you pals who find my weird/cringy blog enjoyable as well as those I talk to on FB
Regarding my weight though...
Regarding my weight though...
Get a 4.0
Well rip - one A- in semester one and I'm still in the process of salvaging my approaching-negative GPA this semester. Surprisingly my cumulative is still bearable (that is assuming I do a good-enough job salvaging my current GPA).
Pass the f=ma exam
AP Physics 1 was fun though - which felt enough as an introductory course. Excited for AP Physics C next year! (maybe I'll convince the school to proctor f=ma?)

AP Physics 1 was fun though - which felt enough as an introductory course. Excited for AP Physics C next year! (maybe I'll convince the school to proctor f=ma?)
Try not to die of stress
I died rip - too much red bulls and 4 AM nights, but it was worth it!
Then of course, I'm pretty happy with my contest results this year - nothing extremely wondrous (rip 3 points off 252 USAMO index goal, one problem off MOP dream), but still solid enough for me to retire happy from junior year after an excruciating school year. USAMO HM next year?

Looking forward, the future feels both secure and insecure at the same time, so let's start with some goals from now until the end of summer:
- Start co-writing an AIME geo book with AIME god librian2000
- Try to get my Javascript gameThis was originally my AP CSP project, but I really liked the process of making the game that I thought I could make it better (add more features, levels, speed changes, etc.)onto the app store
Of course, it has to be able to go from keyboard to touch screen as well as being independent of the codehs library of Javascript commands.
Darn still a lot to figure out. - Get to 75 KGI think I will need to start running both in the morning and in late afternoon/night, as one run isn't enough...- the extent to which my trash body is disappointing me is getting ridiculous
- Get our paper published? Not quite satisfied with a pre-print
will ask people at ISEF
- Make the most out of Ross - make as much connections as I can (with peers, professors) and post one problem per day on my blog?
- Do more college research, esp. their math departments and visit a lot of colleges and finish early apps?
- Study SAT - consistent 1530-1550s would be nice
- Start a relationship? Lolz
I've got some greater ambitions for senior year, but will probably not reveal until after summer.

This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by shiningsunnyday, May 7, 2017, 5:16 PM