First time blacking out
by shiningsunnyday, Nov 13, 2016, 12:03 PM
At around 2 AM Friday (China time), I found myself lying on the bathroom floor.
It was a typical Thursday
When I woke up, I felt an extreme sensation of nausea. I used whatever energy I could muster to put on as much clothes as I can, almost puking twice in the process. As I entered the bathroom and closed the door, I lost conscious and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. I managed to get up and sit there for no-one-knows how long, not moving a centimeter, until I finally leapt outside to the sofa, where I called my dad in the bedroom to come out.
I had a high fever. Darn.
I had to miss school, including the AP Stats test that will basically determine my fate for this course, a Chinese presentation, and a meeting with my English teacher.
While blacking out is honestly not something be proud of, I'm quite pleased to have reached the milestone of having reached my physical limits, a testament to my efforts. Now the next step is to increase efficiency, provided that I'm still giving as much as I can, in order to truly maximize my potential.
...which means time to rethink my life habits. Perhaps that room where I sleep in, that has scratch paper covering over a third of the view, and through which I have to scavenge for my schoolwork every night, is a good place to start...
It was a typical Thursday
AP Chem unit test that had me cramming the night before, AP Phys, AP CS, meeting with English teacher to go over essay, Mu Alpha Theta meeting at lunch.
for the most part. After school, I spent most of my time at the coffee shop I study in every night. After having chugged down my third bottle of coffee, I was heading home when I realized my teeth was clenching in the icy wind. I hesitated, wanting to pick up my phone to ask my dad to pick me up, but at that precise moment my iPhone hit my favorite song - Crooked by GDragon => YOLO and I began sprinting home like a gangster. Not surprisingly, it was a bad choice and I was basically half-dead and paralyzed after I got home until midnight, when I finally had the energy to go put on my contacts and sleep.When I woke up, I felt an extreme sensation of nausea. I used whatever energy I could muster to put on as much clothes as I can, almost puking twice in the process. As I entered the bathroom and closed the door, I lost conscious and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. I managed to get up and sit there for no-one-knows how long, not moving a centimeter, until I finally leapt outside to the sofa, where I called my dad in the bedroom to come out.
I had a high fever. Darn.
I had to miss school, including the AP Stats test that will basically determine my fate for this course, a Chinese presentation, and a meeting with my English teacher.
While blacking out is honestly not something be proud of, I'm quite pleased to have reached the milestone of having reached my physical limits, a testament to my efforts. Now the next step is to increase efficiency, provided that I'm still giving as much as I can, in order to truly maximize my potential.
...which means time to rethink my life habits. Perhaps that room where I sleep in, that has scratch paper covering over a third of the view, and through which I have to scavenge for my schoolwork every night, is a good place to start...