Social life @ AMSP Thus Far
by shiningsunnyday, Aug 1, 2016, 6:45 AM
First thing first, my team tied for third on the team contest today. I was originally on a team with flash12, who then decided to join iamteehee's team, leaving me single. :\
So I was put on a team with 2 Chinese guys, who were both decent, I guess. During the contest, I felt very relaxed, telling myself I just need to stay calm and not let my thoughts clutter. However, the first problem I got was an entire paragraph long (I tend to faint when confronted with problems that take longer to read than solve), so I told my teammates to give me all the geo problems, all of which I solved. I then gave the confusing/strange/hard-to-understand problems to my teammates, which was kinda mean cause they're Chinese and I'm better at English than them...
Fortunately, we solved some crucial problems and ended up with a 39 (correct). Though I'm really salty for not being able to do arithmetic in the last mins of this problem:
...made more salty by the fact I solved the exact same problem before with a different year number.
Nevertheless, we tied for third (there was a 5 team tie). Yay?
As for the talent show, it was amazing (the first 3 performances were all my RA group people, the first of which was my really good friend Steven dancing Smooth Criminal), which were really good. I originally wanted to sing and dance TFBOYS, but I guess I'll save that for college...
The second proceeding lately that I've been hiding from you blog readers is that I came to have a SERIOUS crush on this girl called Angela, which my entire RA group came to know immediately after. So I founded the official "Angela-watching" Club with 3 other RA members, and our first sight-seeing spot was the soccer field, which, unfortunately, didn't work out since she never showed up.
Unfortunately, she's so pretty the whole chat group has taken interest, and we've collectively assembled like 10 pics of her, most of which are of her hugging guys or squeezed in the middle of like 10 guys.
Another fun aspect of camp is the game "What are the odds."
What are the odds is game similar to giving each other dares, with the added restriction that the victim gets to choose the odds of him doing the dare. Specifically, person A asks person B what're the odds [insert dare here]. Person B can choose an integer
, and at the count of 3, they both say a number
If the numbers match, person B has to do the dare.
So far the good dares we've seen happen include:
-flash12 having to go to a girl's room upstairs and ask: "Hey, is my friend Daniel here? He said he's on this floor"
-My friend Liu having to go to a girls' room and ask, "Do you have the tickets?" after which the girls will say "To what?" and then say "To the gun show" while flexing his biceps
-Friend Daniel having to copy the moves of a group of cheerleaders outside
-Me having to shout "I'm single and ready to mingle" off the balcony of the dining hall
Anyways, as I went out for a run last night, I once again saw Angela, with 10 guys surrounding her as always next to the soccer field, and every time I run past them my heart cracks a bit more. I saw her and Chris hug! I die.
So in attempt to regain some of my sanity, I got the contacts of 3 Chinese girls at this camp, who I'll call A, B, C.
Last night, I added all 3 on WeChat and said "hi" to each person to see if any of my 3 shots go in.
Also apparently she has a boyfriend.
Screw my life.
So I was put on a team with 2 Chinese guys, who were both decent, I guess. During the contest, I felt very relaxed, telling myself I just need to stay calm and not let my thoughts clutter. However, the first problem I got was an entire paragraph long (I tend to faint when confronted with problems that take longer to read than solve), so I told my teammates to give me all the geo problems, all of which I solved. I then gave the confusing/strange/hard-to-understand problems to my teammates, which was kinda mean cause they're Chinese and I'm better at English than them...
Fortunately, we solved some crucial problems and ended up with a 39 (correct). Though I'm really salty for not being able to do arithmetic in the last mins of this problem:
Team contest P42 wrote:
How many positive divisors of
less than
are not divisors of 

Nevertheless, we tied for third (there was a 5 team tie). Yay?
As for the talent show, it was amazing (the first 3 performances were all my RA group people, the first of which was my really good friend Steven dancing Smooth Criminal), which were really good. I originally wanted to sing and dance TFBOYS, but I guess I'll save that for college...
The second proceeding lately that I've been hiding from you blog readers is that I came to have a SERIOUS crush on this girl called Angela, which my entire RA group came to know immediately after. So I founded the official "Angela-watching" Club with 3 other RA members, and our first sight-seeing spot was the soccer field, which, unfortunately, didn't work out since she never showed up.
Unfortunately, she's so pretty the whole chat group has taken interest, and we've collectively assembled like 10 pics of her, most of which are of her hugging guys or squeezed in the middle of like 10 guys.
Another fun aspect of camp is the game "What are the odds."
What are the odds is game similar to giving each other dares, with the added restriction that the victim gets to choose the odds of him doing the dare. Specifically, person A asks person B what're the odds [insert dare here]. Person B can choose an integer

So far the good dares we've seen happen include:
-flash12 having to go to a girl's room upstairs and ask: "Hey, is my friend Daniel here? He said he's on this floor"
-My friend Liu having to go to a girls' room and ask, "Do you have the tickets?" after which the girls will say "To what?" and then say "To the gun show" while flexing his biceps
-Friend Daniel having to copy the moves of a group of cheerleaders outside
-Me having to shout "I'm single and ready to mingle" off the balcony of the dining hall
Anyways, as I went out for a run last night, I once again saw Angela, with 10 guys surrounding her as always next to the soccer field, and every time I run past them my heart cracks a bit more. I saw her and Chris hug! I die.
So in attempt to regain some of my sanity, I got the contacts of 3 Chinese girls at this camp, who I'll call A, B, C.
Last night, I added all 3 on WeChat and said "hi" to each person to see if any of my 3 shots go in.
Conversation with A wrote:
Me: Hi
A: Hi
Me: I'm Michael
A: I'm _
A: Do you speak Chinese
Me: Yea but I prefer not, I go to American school in Shanghai
A: Yea Daniel talks about you a lot
Me: Oh darn lol
A: What classes do you take
Me: C3G3
A: 学霸! (smart)
Me: Thanks... Usually I scare people away cause of my nerdiness
A: Haha...
Me: Hey where are you (I wanted to go talk to her)
A: In my room... (oops awkward much)
Me: Oh
No reply
Me: I'm in [building number]
A: Oh lol I was just running
Me: Wait do you run every night?
A: Yea
Me: Yay same want to run together tomorrow (Rip I was pushing things)
A: Uh...
Me: Wait is that awkward
A: Yea...
A: Hi
Me: I'm Michael
A: I'm _
A: Do you speak Chinese
Me: Yea but I prefer not, I go to American school in Shanghai
A: Yea Daniel talks about you a lot
Me: Oh darn lol
A: What classes do you take
Me: C3G3
A: 学霸! (smart)
Me: Thanks... Usually I scare people away cause of my nerdiness
A: Haha...
Me: Hey where are you (I wanted to go talk to her)
A: In my room... (oops awkward much)
Me: Oh
No reply
Me: I'm in [building number]
A: Oh lol I was just running
Me: Wait do you run every night?
A: Yea
Me: Yay same want to run together tomorrow (Rip I was pushing things)
A: Uh...
Me: Wait is that awkward
A: Yea...
Conversation with B wrote:
Me: Hi
B: Hi
Me: So you're [name]?
B: Yea
Me: Do you recognize me?
B: No, I just know your name, do you recognize me?
Me: Kinda
B: Do you speak Chinese
Me: I prefer English, but yea
B: Oh
*On the way to the talent show, this is in real life*
Me: Is that girl B? Should I go.
My friends: YES GO, DO IT.
Me: *hesitates for 5 mins, and at the last second...*
*Goes to her, taps on her shoulder*
Me: Hi
Girl: Hi
Me: I'm Michael
Girl: Oh *looks away*
*Enters the talent show theater, as we were getting seats, notices that there's an empty seat next to B.*
But right across the aisle were my RA group, shaking their heads insinuating for me to sit next to B. Then I was faced with the torturous decision between 2 empty seats, and since I'm a scrub, ended up shying away and sitting with my friends...
*Later... after talent show, text*
Me: Wait do you like Kpop and TFBOYS
Girl: Yea! *thank god something to talk about*
...*after some conversation*
Girl: Yea I guess I like them
Me: Oh
No reply.
B: Hi
Me: So you're [name]?
B: Yea
Me: Do you recognize me?
B: No, I just know your name, do you recognize me?
Me: Kinda
B: Do you speak Chinese
Me: I prefer English, but yea
B: Oh
*On the way to the talent show, this is in real life*
Me: Is that girl B? Should I go.
My friends: YES GO, DO IT.
Me: *hesitates for 5 mins, and at the last second...*
*Goes to her, taps on her shoulder*
Me: Hi
Girl: Hi
Me: I'm Michael
Girl: Oh *looks away*
*Enters the talent show theater, as we were getting seats, notices that there's an empty seat next to B.*
But right across the aisle were my RA group, shaking their heads insinuating for me to sit next to B. Then I was faced with the torturous decision between 2 empty seats, and since I'm a scrub, ended up shying away and sitting with my friends...
*Later... after talent show, text*
Me: Wait do you like Kpop and TFBOYS
Girl: Yea! *thank god something to talk about*
...*after some conversation*
Girl: Yea I guess I like them
Me: Oh
No reply.
Conversation with C wrote:
Me: Hi
Girl: Hi
Me: Are you C?
Girl: Yea
Me: Do you recognize me?
Girl: Not really, do you recognize me?
Me: Kinda
Girl: So who are you
Me: Michael
Girl: ...k
*RIP, haven't talked since*
Girl: Hi
Me: Are you C?
Girl: Yea
Me: Do you recognize me?
Girl: Not really, do you recognize me?
Me: Kinda
Girl: So who are you
Me: Michael

Girl: ...k
*RIP, haven't talked since*
Screw my life.
This post has been edited 3 times. Last edited by shiningsunnyday, Aug 7, 2016, 1:13 PM