prove that a chord is tangent to the incircle

by ihategeo_1969, Mar 23, 2025, 9:01 PM

Let $ABC$ be a triangle with incenter $I$ and intouch triangle $DEF$. Let $P$ be the foot of the perpendicular from $D$ onto $EF$. Assume that $BP$, $CP$ intersect the sides $AC$, $AB$ in $Y,Z$ respectively. Finally, let the rays $IP$, $YZ$ meet the circumcircle of $\triangle ABC$ in $R$, $X$ respectively. Prove that the tangent from $X$ to the incircle and the line $RD$ meet on the circumcircle of $\triangle ABC$.

Proposed by Aditya Khurmi
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by ihategeo_1969, 4 hours ago

Nice problem

by hanzo.ei, Mar 23, 2025, 2:58 PM

Given two positive integers \( m, n \) satisfying \( m > n \) and their sum is an even number, consider the quadratic polynomial:

P(x) = x^2 - (m^2 - m + 1)x + (m^2 - n^2 - m)(n^2 + 1).
Prove that all roots of \( P(x) \) are positive integers but are not perfect squares.

number theory

by karimeow, Mar 23, 2025, 8:14 AM

Prove that there exist infinitely many positive integers m such that the equation (xz+1)(yz+1) = mz^3 + 1 has infinitely many positive integer solutions.


by steven_zhang123, Mar 23, 2025, 12:56 AM

Find the largest positive real number \( c \) such that for any positive integer \( n \), satisfies \(\{ \sqrt{7n} \} \geq \frac{c}{\sqrt{7n}}\).

Number of modular sequences with different residues

by PerfectPlayer, Mar 18, 2025, 4:17 AM

Let \(n\) be a positive integer. For every positive integer $1 \leq k \leq n$ the sequence ${\displaystyle {\{ a_{i}+ki\}}_{i=1}^{n }}$ is defined, where $a_1,a_2, \dots ,a_n$ are integers. Among these \(n\) sequences, for at most how many of them does all the elements of the sequence give different remainders when divided by \(n\)?

Kvant 898 NT

by Anto0110, Jul 27, 2024, 10:41 AM

Find all odd integers \(0 < a < b < c < d\) such that
ad = bc, \quad a + d = 2^k, \quad b + c = 2^m
\]for some positive integers \(k\) and \(m\).

Maximizing score of permutations

by navi_09220114, Apr 29, 2023, 9:14 AM

Let $a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_n$ be a sequence of real numbers with $a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_n=0$. Define the score $S(\sigma)$ of a permutation $\sigma=(b_1, \cdots b_n)$ of $(a_1, \cdots a_n)$ to be the minima of the sum $$(x_1-b_1)^2+\cdots+(x_n-b_n)^2$$over all real numbers $x_1\le \cdots \le x_n$.

Prove that $S(\sigma)$ attains the maxima over all permutations $\sigma$, if and only if for all $1\le k\le n$, $$b_1+b_2+\cdots+b_k\ge 0.$$
Proposed by Anzo Teh Zhao Yang
This post has been edited 3 times. Last edited by navi_09220114, Apr 21, 2024, 6:59 PM

Uselessness // Turning 18 // Final Update on This Blog [Part 3/3]

by shiningsunnyday, Apr 7, 2018, 5:49 PM

I'm turning 18 and realize how useless I am.

I'm a week away from forever leaving behind childhood. Though I perfectly understand that reaching the milestone of having lived 567,648,000 seconds carries mere symbolic meaning, I believe it serves as a stressful but necessary reminder for me to evaluate my life up to this point and prepare myself going forward. This has proven to be a nightmare.

My life right now doesn't make much sense. I know this is my old INTP Ti function at play, but how tf does one logically explain my behaviors lately:
-Drinking alcohol
-Reading on AI and pondering the future of humanity
-Spending hours on Quora reading different perspectives on a same topic before moving on
-Weightlifting/exercising like mad
-Taking boxing lessons
-Killing my gains by periods of binge-eating
-Running around the city at night like a bad boy who dgaf
-Mass e-mailing Stanford CS/math professors
-Reading about 18th century and 19th century philosophers
-Learning data science from online tutorials
-Going to clubs
-Rapping and dancing around my house at night.
-Spending a ton of time applying to summer programs I don't want to go to (besides SPARC <3) and secretly hoping I get rejected so I don't have to go
-Listening to lectures given by Silicon Valley venture capitalists and trying to understand their thought process
-Getting addicted to playing chess with my close friend at school
-Writing raps (this is actually really fun)

My dreams, which used to be a source of inspiration, are now:
-Full of inappropriate sh*t
This likely means my dreams which ran on inspirationare now running on fumes.
-Simulations of random events which I'm a part of that're so eerily realistic I wonder if they'll happen in the future
This likely means the present is so insignificant that my mind is on autopilot exploring the future. This also means my low confidence in predicting the future.
-Conversations with acquaintances that I sometimes confuse with ones that actually happened
This means I'm probably lonely and desire human interaction.

After the difficult process of analyzing my actions and categorizing them under common themes, I believe my actions are motivated by two states of mind:
1. I'm fed up at how uncertain about the future I am.
2. I feel lonely and want to be cared for.

As a response to the first, I try to add structure to my life: reading/writing, setting tough new goals to keep busy and thinking/planning the future even when it's inefficient to do so so early (people I've talked to told me planning my life at 17 isn't very effective).

As a response to the second, I try to increase my objective attractiveness, get closer around people so I can observe them, and seek attention. I try to participate more in school activities, despite not being able to connect to most people at school. This actually makes me more tired and sadder since it's all superficial. I realized it's actually very easy for me to feel happy. Last week, I was in Japan, and I realized the happiest I felt during the trip was actually the last night, when my relatives and I played a few hours of poker (I'm actually so bad I ended up last). I also feel happy playing chess with my friend (I also usually lose; contrary to popular belief I'm not smart). In fact, just having someone who listens and tries to understand me makes me very, very, very happy. But because I'm Mr. Stanford and Mr. You're-My-[Kid's]-Role-Model, The Legend, the people who accept me for who I am are extremely low in supply (which is also why I place high value on the few who do).

Emotions have also had a spillover effect lately. Though I have systems in place that prevent emotions (which takes a lot of energy to analyze so I usually don't) from affecting my productivity and decision-making, I realize the maintenance cost of storing my emotions in a box are steadily increasing - mainly because the constant need to upgrade and buy larger boxes. Perhaps I took up rapping/writing forms of self-expression as ways to relieve some of my emotions, though this often isn't reliable and hard to maintain.

The thing is, my actions taken in response to state of mind #1 takes away from time for socialization, and my inaptness at planning the future makes me feel more vulnerable. This reinforces state of mind #2, which reinforces a feeling of worthlessness and uncertainty. This creates a loop that I find extremely hard to get out of.

Then again, I've fell into these crises before, but have always managed to delay them for later. I for some reason don't find it as urgent of a priority to get out of this loop and reinvigorate my productivity right now, simply because for the first time after years of hustling I can rest for a while. Taking advice from friend spartan168 at Stanford, it's probably wise to rest while I still can. Sadly, I simply don't know how to "enjoy" life.

To elaborate on the last point, I was so pissed when I had to go to vacation in Japan when I could've travelled to two cities in China to continue my job of guest speaking for my job. Instead, I had to walk around dumb gardens and take pictures under Sakura trees when I could've been inspiring hundreds of parents and students. This makes me feel fcking selfish. It also makes me realize enjoying life is an inverse-relation activity to my purpose in life - to improve the world and the people in it. Occasionally, I miss the days when I did math into ungodly hours at night - it was when I enjoyed doing something for myself while working towards my goals. Nowadays, I feel like my life is the sum of my "impact" in the world, the present meager amount of which makes me feel sadder.

In conclusion, by writing this post, I've identified my two main needs in life - (1) be in a position to create more and more meaningful impact and (2) people who accept me for who I am. Even though I try to do always what's most logical, I will keep these two fundamental values in mind for the rest of my [adult] life.
I will make a final and last post on this blog next week when I turn 18 with some parting advice/notes/contact-info. The blog will be locked a few days after. This is my last life update on here folks.

Planning My Life // Final Update on This Blog [Part 2/3]

by shiningsunnyday, Mar 30, 2018, 2:52 PM

Ok I finished planning my life.

The reason why this is the final life update I'll ever post on this blog is because this life update encompasses all the big-picture future goals I want to accomplish, based on my current model of the future. The details will change, but as of now that's what I got. The audience of this blog will probably not find my future posts useful, so I've completed the migration to which will be my main site for writing from now on. If you want to follow me you can subscribe your e-mail on the site.

First, some updates since last post.

As of now I'm convinced the best way for me to maximize my positive impact on the world (which is my life goal) is through the field of Artificial Intelligence. In order to do so, I plan to take two approaches.

1. Develop safe Artificial General Intelligence aligned with human values by becoming a leader in the field and setting the agenda for safe AI.
Some foreseeable consequences

2. Cognitively enhancing humans through neural implants by creating a high-bandwidth, highly personalized neural implant for learning and push it on the market.
Some foreseeable consequences

This will change the world...

My long-term agenda to accomplish these two is vague, but based on my research up to this point my agenda the next four years at least is quite clear. I think it's most logical to set the following goals for myself at Stanford:

1. Build a robust network of connections with current and future industry/research experts in the field of AI.
2. Do internships every summer and work part-time senior year at a startup.
3. Build a group of peers who share the same vision for the future.
4. Find my lifelong partner and marry her in 2022.

Now after graduating...

5. Conduct one year of AI research [2022-2023] during my Masters at Stanford or by joining Google/Facebook's year-long AI Residency Programs.
6. Join Google/Facebook core research team [2023].
7. Spend next two years [2023-2025] building a team, surveying the present market, securing investors, and a product.

By age 30
By age 40
By age 50

Ok, time to get started.
List of stuff to do over spring break

Good life.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by shiningsunnyday, Mar 31, 2018, 8:43 AM

Pieces // Class of 2022 // Final Update On This Blog [Part 1/3]

by shiningsunnyday, Mar 29, 2018, 2:09 PM

Rejected from Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, UCLA, UCSD.
Your spots are the most coveted of any US college.
Yet you took a chance in me when nobody else did.
This means the world to me.
Destiny calls from the West.

Committed Stanford Class of 2022!
Pieces from memory

New kid
Class clown
A bit too far
Hustle begins
Lonelier the higher you get
Hello, anyone there?
Overnight sensation
Back when I was nothing.
Where were you guys again?
When I had nothing and stood bluffing.
Where were you back then?

Crazy they say my aspirations then,
Change they ask of me to fit in there,
Inspirational they say my aspirations are now,
Now people change to be more like me here.

Cause one's success comes at others' costs,
With scarcity there is competition, that's the natural law,
Which filters our behaviors through selfish thoughts,
Scarcity makes us products o' the system of us all.
This post has been edited 13 times. Last edited by shiningsunnyday, Apr 1, 2018, 6:13 AM

How I deal with emotions - my biggest weakness

by shiningsunnyday, Feb 17, 2018, 3:48 PM

Firstly, the post I alluded to on my new site is complete. Reads, subscriptions, bookmarks and/or comments are appreciated.

Much of my life, especially recent years, I've struggled with the expression of emotions. This is different from understanding emotions and people, which I think I do pretty well (I have yet to mis-guess the mbti of people I know in real life, though I did stumble over the mbti's of some facebook friends). When I asked a friend on what she thought emotions were for, she responded:
Response wrote:
express urself?
gxah, I'll try my best to preserve your anonymity.

Emotions certainly have helped bridge differences between humans. Body language actually accounts for the majority of in-person communication, not vocal. While it has come a long way, we should recognize emotions first formed in our limbic systems as fear, excitement, love, in our mammalian ancestors as tools for the survival and development. After all, fear is incentive to stay alive, excitement to amass resources, love to reproduce, etc. Over centuries, however, along the origin of our species we developed the unique neocortex for primates to choose rational thinking for our decision making process. Yet, we still relied on the limbic system due to its benefit of lower mental energy consumption and instant gratification. In our society today, such motivations still manifest in the form of drugs, sex, pornography, etc. which continues to lead people astray.

This is not to say I believe emotions should be outright eradicated (though it might be possible with brain-machine interfaces), but that we should understand how we deal with emotions and express it in appropriate ways, something I now understand after years of being misguided.

Many years ago, I really, really liked this girl. But she told me (many times) she didn't feel the same way. Today, I would immediately redraw my investment after the first such response, but being the hard-headed boy I was back then I dwelled in my emotions and continued on. By my current value system, I basically became dysfunctional, and (over) thought how I could get her to requite my feelings. I exaggerated the implied meanings of meaningless actions of hers to persuade myself I had a chance (cognitive bias), so it didn't help when my friends sort of entertained themselves watching me rather than straight up telling me to give up.

The reason why I believe I was so hard-headed, other than I am hard-headed (still) in everything I want to achieve, is the failures of my previous crushes. I got my first crush in 5th grade, and her being 100% extrovert and me 100% introvert, never found the chance to approach her. She left me hanging on a cliff when she left after the year. My second crush, also in 5th grade, rejected me in all-caps with explicit language on Skype and blocked me after finding out I like her, the worst part being I was bad at English and couldn't understand half her swear words and sarcasm (searching it up afterwards was more painful). Having been treated like nothing for years at that point, these failures only fed my dogged determination to prove others wrong, and is probably why shiningsunnyday the avenger was so hard-headed for this girl.

Granted, this was unfair for her, the vessel for my journey to expressing my identity, but she helped me grow in ways I wouldn't have otherwise. In fact, spending sleepless nights on threads on "how to get a girl to like you" developed my EQ, humor, and social skills a lot, and is why I'm interested and plan to study more psychology in college.

This would've been a terrific self-development journey, bar the one devil in the details: most of our communication took place online. This led to stagnate my ability to express emotions.

As one of my biggest weaknesses, expression of emotions is tough not because of this girl, but also because my time growing up. Having my parents divorced in third grade (and also being the only child) never allowed me to be in the influence of genuine expressions of emotions, since my parents would "act" whenever I'm around, and it certainly doesn't help that they're both terrible actors.

Though I may seem stoned time-to-time, this doesn't mean I don't feel emotions. In fact, I probably do more than anyone, because emotions that're meant to be expressed remain bottled up in me often. I take pride in my ability to "fake" my behavior to act like anyone (since years of being alone in elementary school allowed me to observe and study all types of social behavior). As a defensive measure, my solution as of now is to catch my emotions, make sure it doesn't get in the way of productivity, and dilute it in different ways, like writing blog posts or rapping on stage to the cheers of a crowd. So all in all, I feel really comfortable with my mechanisms of dealing with emotions. It's actually an amazing lifestyle to have, not having to worry about emotions getting in the way - like cruising through college with a scholarship as opposed to loans. I can also choose to trap and activate emotions, just to analyze them or for fun.

I also find myself liking girls as frequently as any normal teen, which feels natural as long as I don't fall for one, which I've yet to experience ever since the subject "girl" of this post. I find myself liking many girls, often those who possess an non-empty subset of the characteristics I desire in a partner.

I do worry of the possibility of being hacked, however - if a girl ever gets me in an emotional chokehold, aka love. Love, unlike "like", is unfamiliar waters for me (my most recent experience being the "girl"), so I plan to stay away from it as best as I can, until after marriage. If it does come up, I am confident in my immune system to get rid of the parasite before it begins its damage.

Hopefully, you found this post intriguing and applicable.

Save me...

by shiningsunnyday, Feb 10, 2018, 1:28 PM

I used to be a believer in parallel universes rather than simulation theory. After all, what's there to stop me from stopping my typing at the end of this sentence and hit the club to chug down some shots and do god-knows what? As a proud INTP for the majority of my life, introverted thinking (Ti) drove me to constantly intake new information and imagine the what if. In fact, I almost prided myself as being an INTP in my college apps, as my response to one college prompt went something like this:
Essay prompt wrote:
If you had an extra hour in the day, how would you spend the time? (50 words or less)
Me wrote:
Doing the math! To add one hour to every calendar while maintaining synchronization to the astronomical year, nine of twelve months must require an extra day, three months requiring two extra, and February loses a day every 24 years. Engrossed in this what if, today’s extra hour would be up!

Growing up, the internet become my escape. I would be reading SpaceX's website one moment and the next be watching a video explaining relativity in simple terms. My childhood naivete for seeking knowledge was my escape from everyday life, amongst Naruto, Skyrim, and wealth of anime and video games.
Gradually, my interest dampened on these things. The best way to put it is, sh*t just became boringly predictable. I was a class clown in middle school, so I've always had this knack of knowing how my actions would affect others' impressions of me. Pull a string here during a 6th grade english class impersonation, and the girls would laugh. Make an innuendo there, and the next moment a frown would be on the teacher's face. I always wanted attention, so most of socialization came in the form of trying different things, seeing how people respond, and adjusting my actions. I thought I could get anything I wanted in life, and those parent college talks was the stuff of the hour, so I thought, cool, I'll figure out how to get into a good college. Truth be told, who I am today was nearly the same person I envisioned myself to be 4 years ago, when I walked out of my middle school homeroom for the last time, held up a finger at the end of the hall (it was late at night), and shouted out, "I will succeed!"

Today, my world view are mostly the same, except even the once-blurry details are now all the more obvious. I no longer expend the energy to entertain the what-if, for I'm busy figuring out the what-is and the what-will. Most of modern society life to me seems now like a particle undergoing motion while defined by an underlying set of rules of physics. These real life occurrences appear to be the result of probability but their causes themselves are the result of actions that came before then, hence the saying "Everything happens for a reason." Sure, the rate at which possibilities multiply is near infinite, hence the illusion that everything seems possible. But really, once these underlying set of rules are known, most occurrences are predictable. Like in a video game, the NPCs seem to move about randomly, but they're the result of pseudo-random algorithms that are random enough to make us think they're random, but in reality are not. This is now why I believe in simulation theory.

If you think about it, most of our behaviors are becoming more and more predictable. The more competitive society becomes, the more our behavior is driven by the need to optimize our standing in society, because there's only a finite amount of resources (power, fame, money). When we like someone else's totally-undeserving pic of a random cake or something, it's not because we genuinely appraised it to be worthy of it, but because subconsciously our brain wires it to a higher chance the said someone will like our future pics, which is wired to a likelihood of higher standing. It's an uncomfortable truth, but most of our actions are explained by psychology. Being halfway done with the book Influence: Science and Practice, I learned a lot of ways salespeople and people in general manipulate in others using an understanding of basic psychological and civilizational principles, and it's astounding how all of this comes together. Essentially, we've become AI to the point everyone wants to optimize their actions to achieve a certain outcome most consistent with their values/belief (could be for money, power, being liked, or combination of any means of an end). Experience fine tunes our behavior model for optimization (like evolution but sped up so we can constantly see the updated results). It doesn't make sense that we whine and say AI will take away the spirits that make us human - curiosity, genuineness, passion, etc. - because honestly, we're already becoming AI ourselves (it's driven by evolutionary mechanisms that we must act in certain ways for us to survive in society). When I meet some mutual family friends, their children (who undergo the Chinese GaoKao), have essentially become robots. "6 AM wake up every morning. 7-10 AM language tutoring. 10-11 AM tennis practice. 11-12 lunch at cafeteria. 12-1 TOEFL tutoring. 1-3 math and science tutoring, etc." I had to pretend to listen intently as their parents tell me their children's academic regime. Then they give me that surely-you-understand-this-for-you-went-through-it-yourself-and-now-you're-on-top look. "What advice can you give?" I usually just provide some general template and act polite. I do understand, and it's not that I don't want to help, but more that I've seen through the system itself completely and it doesn't work, less so the further ahead I look. In 10 years, majority of education will be personalized online. In 20 years, teachers will be replaced by AI. In 30 years, brain implants will be available that provide the most direct form of education. By midcentury, our brains would be connected to a cloud. In this future where googling for information is automated inside our brain on a subconscious level, it's not just fitting to say what we're doing now is meaningless, it's akin to serving a sentence in jail. Of course, those in my family I tell this to think I'm ridiculous, but it will happen (and I will be a part of it). But the bigger question at hand is, what are the things that are still meaningful, now, in 10 years, 20 years, forever? How can we ingrain purpose for humans when AI takes over society and UBI introduced? What can be preserved and what must go, and how will we adapt? I toss and turn a lot of such schemes in my head. That explains why I'm now an INTJ.
So no, I didn't take the AMC and didn't plan to take any math contests this year. There're bigger problems that we must solve and their links to the fate of humanity are ones that only our generation can create and secure.

In real life, I roam around a lot now to all sorts of places in the city (almost none of my energy is expended on day-to-day life, so I guess that makes me in the eyes of others spontaneous af). Sigh, I wish I was less lonely. An ENFP/ENFJ girlfriend (or any intuitive-mbti-types) would be nice company until college starts and provide me of some last pre-adulthood fun, at which point its time to start turning these crazy schemes of mine into reality (funding, VCs, business plans, learning markets, startups...). As graduation approaches, I guess I'll keep making my plans.

Check out my website for more elaboration of the visions/schemes I have in mind in the near and distant future.

Day in life of an aspiring Kpop rapper

by shiningsunnyday, Oct 23, 2017, 2:26 PM

I wake up to the ringtone of Kpop.

I bike to school, my ActiveBuds wireless earphones plugged in and playing Kpop.

I walk into the library tapping my feet to the beats of Fantastic Baby.

I go to the bathroom and take care of some business while listening to Kpop.

During break or free period, I have Kpop as bgm while (trying to) getting work done.

At lunch, I often sit at the lunch table with one ear plugged in, listening to Kpop.

As I walk back to the library, my lips are seen moving to the syllables.

After school, I bike to the gym looking all cool with Kpop.

I work out listening to Kpop, every few beats corresponding to a rep.

I bike to the shop to get some diet coke/salad ingredients while listening to Kpop.

Once I get back, I do math/coding while listening to Kpop.

Then I browse through some articles on artificial intelligence listening to Kpop.

I eat watching Kpop performances.

Then after a while doing homework I'm starving again, so I go to my room, by myself, audio on, "Mike" Drop mode activate. Moving steps, stringing syllables, experimenting with pitches.

An hour later, I'm no longer hungry but exhausted so I find some romanized lyrics site online and spend some time lip syncing to some new songs I can rap.

I might do a quick workout on my yoga mat, the video instructor's voice overridden by Kpop beats.

I bathe listening to Kpop.

I message friends while listening to Kpop.

I listen to it to fall sleep.

Bright lights, spotlight, the sound, the movement, the beat, everything that has came to me in my dreams. Displaying this side of myself, breaking through the austerity of everyday life.

This vision.

It will become a reality.
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by shiningsunnyday, Oct 23, 2017, 2:27 PM

Poland 2017 P1

by j___d, Apr 4, 2017, 9:07 PM

Points $P$ and $Q$ lie respectively on sides $AB$ and $AC$ of a triangle $ABC$ and $BP=CQ$. Segments $BQ$ and $CP$ cross at $R$. Circumscribed circles of triangles $BPR$ and $CQR$ cross again at point $S$ different from $R$. Prove that point $S$ lies on the bisector of angle $BAC$.

not all sufficiently large integers are clean

by ABCDE, Jul 7, 2016, 7:48 PM

Let $S$ be a nonempty set of positive integers. We say that a positive integer $n$ is clean if it has a unique representation as a sum of an odd number of distinct elements from $S$. Prove that there exist infinitely many positive integers that are not clean.
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by ABCDE, Jul 7, 2016, 7:48 PM

PQ parallel to BC

by keyree10, Jan 18, 2010, 10:48 AM

Let $ ABC$ be a triangle with circum-circle $ \Gamma$. Let $ M$ be a point in the interior of triangle $ ABC$ which is also on the bisector of $ \angle A$. Let $ AM, BM, CM$ meet $ \Gamma$ in $ A_{1}, B_{1}, C_{1}$ respectively. Suppose $ P$ is the point of intersection of $ A_{1}C_{1}$ with $ AB$; and $ Q$ is the point of intersection of $ A_{1}B_{1}$ with $ AC$. Prove that $ PQ$ is parallel to $ BC$.

The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.


+ January 2018
  • The blog is locked right?

    by First, Apr 14, 2018, 6:00 PM

  • Great, amazing, inspiring blog. Good luck in life, and just know I aspire to succeed as you will in the future.

    by mgrimalo, Apr 7, 2018, 6:19 PM

  • Yesyesyes

    by shiningsunnyday, Mar 29, 2018, 5:30 PM

  • :O a new background picture

    by MathAwesome123, Mar 29, 2018, 3:39 PM

  • did you get into MIT?

    by 15Pandabears, Mar 15, 2018, 10:42 PM

  • wait what new site?

    by yegkatie, Feb 11, 2018, 1:49 AM

  • Yea, doing a bit of cleaning before migrating to new site

    by shiningsunnyday, Jan 21, 2018, 2:43 PM

  • Were there posts made in December 2017 for this blog and then deleted?

    I ask because I was purging my thunderbird inbox and I found emails indicating new blog posts of yours.

    email do not lie

    by jonlin1000, Jan 21, 2018, 12:12 AM

  • @below sorry not accepting contribs

    by shiningsunnyday, Dec 11, 2017, 11:15 AM

  • contrib plez?
    also wow this blog is very popular

    by DavidUsa, Dec 10, 2017, 7:53 PM

  • @First: lol same

    first shout of december

    by coolmath34, Dec 6, 2017, 2:32 PM

  • XD this blog is hilarious

    by Mitsuku, Nov 21, 2017, 7:40 PM

  • @wu2481632: stop encouraging SSD to procrastinate(blog entries are fun but procrastination isn't).

    by First, Aug 7, 2017, 5:02 PM

  • 3.5 weeks without a post :o

    by Flash12, Aug 4, 2017, 8:10 AM

  • First august shout!!

    by adik7, Aug 1, 2017, 6:52 AM

416 shouts
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  • Joined: Dec 19, 2014
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