A sickening confession
by shiningsunnyday, Jan 29, 2017, 6:45 AM
Last day before break, I cheated for the first time of my life.
We had just finished reading the book Into the Wild, a book I thoroughly enjoyed from front to back over the course of a few weeks. We had a content-summary quiz (online multiple choice), but the quiz was so focused on the details that to not cheat almost meant a guaranteed fail (i.e. what was the nickname of a minor character that was only mentioned once in the whole book).
As a result, almost everyone cheated: my neighbors were messaging each other on their laptops; most others were busy searching up for the answers on gradesaver and sparknotes, most of whom, should I mention, never read the book in the first place.
The teacher, who couldn't care less, sat reposed on her own desk, doing her own stuff.
I ended up with a B-, the only sin I committed being I messaged someone else for the answer to one question (which, ironically, turned out to be wrong, my original answer was right). Those who went all out to cheat on every question got A-'s and full marks.
My friend, who didn't cheat, ended up with an F.
Because of those who got good marks, there'll be no curve; my English grade is now a B-, and if I don't get an A- in the course by the end of the semester, my class rank would be thrown out of the top 10%.
Now I finally have some sympathy to those who do cheat in school: some of them are not doing so by choice, they're forced to.
If you were emaciated and starving to death, wouldn't you do the same to survive?
Time to watch the following video the 20th time.
We had just finished reading the book Into the Wild, a book I thoroughly enjoyed from front to back over the course of a few weeks. We had a content-summary quiz (online multiple choice), but the quiz was so focused on the details that to not cheat almost meant a guaranteed fail (i.e. what was the nickname of a minor character that was only mentioned once in the whole book).
As a result, almost everyone cheated: my neighbors were messaging each other on their laptops; most others were busy searching up for the answers on gradesaver and sparknotes, most of whom, should I mention, never read the book in the first place.
The teacher, who couldn't care less, sat reposed on her own desk, doing her own stuff.
I ended up with a B-, the only sin I committed being I messaged someone else for the answer to one question (which, ironically, turned out to be wrong, my original answer was right). Those who went all out to cheat on every question got A-'s and full marks.
My friend, who didn't cheat, ended up with an F.
Because of those who got good marks, there'll be no curve; my English grade is now a B-, and if I don't get an A- in the course by the end of the semester, my class rank would be thrown out of the top 10%.
Now I finally have some sympathy to those who do cheat in school: some of them are not doing so by choice, they're forced to.
If you were emaciated and starving to death, wouldn't you do the same to survive?
Time to watch the following video the 20th time.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by shiningsunnyday, Jan 29, 2017, 6:51 AM