Life update

by shiningsunnyday, Nov 19, 2016, 10:17 AM

I'm going to get straight to the point: I'm currently in the worst condition mathematically since before AMSP.

I got 0 on the most recent Interm PO (got 14 on PO1). I haven't visited Lemmas for quite a long time and I can't recall a lot of the configurations I've studied one or two months ago. I want to shoot myself for not getting full score twice on our school's AMC-8 level contest (ASMA). For some reason, I can't even chase angles now. I haven't touched the famous olympiad dropbox collection for a month now. 2 months ago, I was scouring through articles on Lifting the Exponent and cyclotomic polynomials and functional equations every free time I had. Now, I can't find the motivation to touch Binomial-Theorem's Olympiad NT article or my AMSP notes. 102, 104, 105, 108, 109, which I was doing problems from all the time, are now gathering dust on my bookshelf. Just recently on the OMO, I wasn't able to make any significant contribution for our team, which by the way did really well (22).

Words can't describe my disappointment in myself. I know I should be averaging 12-13 on modern-difficulty AIMEs. I know I'm capable of solving at least one to two problems per recent USAMO. But the mental stamina and aggressiveness just isn't there. The best analogy to how I'm feeling is like that of a star basketball player playing with a sandbag forcibly latched onto his feet.

When I get home from school, my to-do list and agenda is filled with homework assignments and preparation for assessments. School, I've realized, has essentially become a measure of what extent you're willing to hustle for loose balls. IMO, there's little skill attached to being able to maintain a high GPA. It's all about the pure-effort hustle plays, the diving for loose balls, the (not pragmatic) system of effort -> reward conversion.

As said in the previous post, by the time I've finally grinded through the intensive day of tasks which is expected of a junior taking 4 APs + Multivariable, my tank has long been emptied, and whatever juice my brain has left to spare automatically goes to thinking about tomorrow's tasks, tutor appointments, projects, etc. I'm still trying to squeeze as much time as I can for math - reading PFTB, doing WOOT problems, but the overall efficiency is drastically low, and usually my training ends up with me passively intaking information, solving zero problems.

The semester is winding down quick. On one hand, the concepts are interesting - chemical bonding theory (AP C), animations in Javascript (AP CS), random variables (AP Stats), partial derivatives (Multiv), ...newton's laws (AP Phys), Malcolm Gladwell (English), but my GPA is once again on the line - the end-of-semester single number that so many students attach their self-worth to really kills the point of the whole thing.

Worse, the first major school competition (Canadian Senior Math Competition) is in 9 days and the last thing I want is to not get a perfect on it (the hardest problem is about an easy JMO 1/4). Annoyingly, the problems are often extremely bashy and logic-oriented as opposed to tricks/techniques-orientated - aka requires a lot of brain juice.

I wish I can say more, but recently it's all about efficiency, efficiency, efficiency. Procrastination is the cyanide pill of a junior year student, so this post will end here.



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oh shoot dude :( i feel the same way. i just bombed our pmo areas, and i feel horrible about it. i cried for like twenty minutes because it was so horrible.

by cjquines0, Nov 19, 2016, 1:32 PM

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tbh, now that I think about it, the counselors really did mean it when they said that the workload is huge. I'm still wondering if I made the right choice with courses, or if i should have taken an easier load and devoted more to math.

no time for anything.

by chocopuff, Nov 19, 2016, 3:36 PM

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^cpuff, workload aint huge man. just reflect on how u spend every minute of the day...

by whiteawesomesun, Nov 19, 2016, 4:00 PM

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Don't stress about GPA. Hell, I'm rocking a B- in English and proud of it! (well not actually proud of it) (Literally no one who has my English teacher has an A in the class right now)
Also this is how I felt a few weeks ago, because water polo was really stressful since we really wanted to win league (but unfortunately not because our coaches moved our best player and best goalie to varsity :furious:)... not 100% related but I can kind of relate to being stressed from stuff outside of math, unwillingness to do math, etc.
Also, I'm not sure how much tutoring really means to you... I myself have to tutor a senior for AP Calc (requirement for BC students to tutor an AB student for at least 6 hours a quarter), and it's dreadful (especially because I'm a freshman T_T)... you might try to cut some stuff out to find more time for math?

by zephyrcrush78, Nov 19, 2016, 10:11 PM

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You seem to experience burnout, you could just get sleep and stop doing math for a while, and also good job on the OMO. :)

by First, Nov 20, 2016, 3:26 AM

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efficiency has a limit of 100%, according to physics. try to comfortably close to it, but not so much so that you kill yourself trying.

by agbdmrbirdyface, Nov 26, 2016, 3:55 PM

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Given your posts, your "worst mathematical condition" doesn't seem too bad. It might be helpful to stick to one specific topic instead of constantly thinking about what to do, although I don't have much experience myself. I appreciate your problems on the other blog, and good luck at whatever you're trying to do

by aftermaths, Nov 29, 2016, 1:38 AM

The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.


+ January 2018
  • The blog is locked right?

    by First, Apr 14, 2018, 6:00 PM

  • Great, amazing, inspiring blog. Good luck in life, and just know I aspire to succeed as you will in the future.

    by mgrimalo, Apr 7, 2018, 6:19 PM

  • Yesyesyes

    by shiningsunnyday, Mar 29, 2018, 5:30 PM

  • :O a new background picture

    by MathAwesome123, Mar 29, 2018, 3:39 PM

  • did you get into MIT?

    by 15Pandabears, Mar 15, 2018, 10:42 PM

  • wait what new site?

    by yegkatie, Feb 11, 2018, 1:49 AM

  • Yea, doing a bit of cleaning before migrating to new site

    by shiningsunnyday, Jan 21, 2018, 2:43 PM

  • Were there posts made in December 2017 for this blog and then deleted?

    I ask because I was purging my thunderbird inbox and I found emails indicating new blog posts of yours.

    email do not lie

    by jonlin1000, Jan 21, 2018, 12:12 AM

  • @below sorry not accepting contribs

    by shiningsunnyday, Dec 11, 2017, 11:15 AM

  • contrib plez?
    also wow this blog is very popular

    by DavidUsa, Dec 10, 2017, 7:53 PM

  • @First: lol same

    first shout of december

    by coolmath34, Dec 6, 2017, 2:32 PM

  • XD this blog is hilarious

    by Mitsuku, Nov 21, 2017, 7:40 PM

  • @wu2481632: stop encouraging SSD to procrastinate(blog entries are fun but procrastination isn't).

    by First, Aug 7, 2017, 5:02 PM

  • 3.5 weeks without a post :o

    by Flash12, Aug 4, 2017, 8:10 AM

  • First august shout!!

    by adik7, Aug 1, 2017, 6:52 AM

416 shouts
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