An interesting experiment - and life updates
by shiningsunnyday, Feb 26, 2017, 3:28 PM
In the coming school week, I shall see if I can pull off 3 all-nighters
The first all-nighter will be tomorrow.
ISEF project is going well.
Welp, I really do hope we qualify for ISEF, as well as getting first place in computer science category. The regionals also just have to be 4 days before AIME II. Perfect timing.
And yea. Speaking of AIME.
I really, really, really, really, really want to make USAMO. I just don't know. Everytime I make a silly I feel like one of my babies just got stolen. Jeez but if it wasn't hard then I probably wouldn't want it this bad, so I guess it's a trade-off.
Also, I need another all-nighter to catch up on APUSH.
Intra-school competition is Tuesday after-school. I need to submit answers to the problems I proposed.
CMC (Canadian Math Competition) is Wednesday after-school.
Also need to talk to my math teacher about my talk with the principal last week (Stanford Online High School Linear Algebra and Differential Equations looks like a go for me next year).
Also I should probably talk to my teachers who've been tearing my life apart through the most arbitrary grades
I have to say, 4 APs for anyone is enough to suck up all their time (esp. four teachers who're extremely point-crunching), which is why I'm taking 4 APs next year as well!
Course list for next year
And last but not least, SATs. Alas, I got a [score]
I made a FaceBook post a few days ago saying that the Chinese scores have been curved due to cheating (our test was the same as the one in North American last June; I'm speechless). I've never understood and will never understand why people cheat. I can't understand the absurdity of people disrespecting themselves, and of course, others. Do they take joy in winning a video game by activating different cheats? Once again, I don't have time to write another rant so I'll just leave it at this: control what I can control and focus on being the best who I can be.
In addition, June SATs got cancelled cause cheating. August SAT, which just got added, is only offered in the US, so my last shot is May, right in the middle of my 5 AP exams. It's also 2 weeks after USAMO and a week before ISEF in LA (assuming I qualify). Those 2 weeks will be hell.
Speaking of my crush, she got fat so I stopped liking her. And also cause I feel like I'm on a roller coaster thriller; my life simply doesn't slow down enough for my hormones to catch up. So I'm kind of emotionless and weird now oops.
Also Kpop is love Kpop is life. I suggest you guys listen to it when you're doing homework. Nonstop rhythm!
The first all-nighter will be tomorrow.
to finish SUMaC apps so I can scan my solutions Tues morning (solved every problem but need to add references, extensions, and finish written questions) and work on Ross problems (sort of solved all besides parts of 3 problems, a lot more work to be done). Since rolling admissions starts on Wednesday and the admissions decision will determine whether I should apply for PROMYS (anyone else applying?), I actually need to get this done by end of the week. Shout out to my crazy AMSP roommate Calculus123 for applying for Ross with me as well as DeathLlama9 for applying to SUMaC!
ISEF project is going well.
I have the layout mostly completed. I'll hopefully finish it tomorrow so I can send it to cjquines for him to code the diagrams. My dad also found a professional designer who can help 3D print our board - she just needs our content and the layout. I also realized, after talking to rkm0959 and tastymath75025, that the judges are probably looking for profitable ideas - inspiring me to adopt the motto:
Bill Gates wrote:
If you can't make it good, at least make it look good.
Welp, I really do hope we qualify for ISEF, as well as getting first place in computer science category. The regionals also just have to be 4 days before AIME II. Perfect timing.
And yea. Speaking of AIME.
My PAIME scores have been consistently a 9 due to being plagued badly by sillies. Fortunately, I changed my testing strategy a bit so now I'm averaging 10-11 on modern level AIMEs (strategy is confidential
). I also realized that at this point, my best bet is probably to just spend time solving (hard) AIME final 5's during the weekdays. Pre-2010 final fives have been trivial, so I'm kind of skipping around now, picking off problems that seem instructive and challenging.
This weekend, I mocked 2 modern level AIMEs. I have 3 more weekends left, so hoping to mock 6 more AIMEs. Essentially I want to be averaging 11's by the time I take the actual one so I come into the test with confidence. I have to say, AIME is really not my cup of tea, unlike the AIME god librian2000, who averages 13s in his sleep (he still hasn't given me a definitive answer as to how he does so). Hopefully after March 22 I'll get back into posting olympiad problems on my blog.

This weekend, I mocked 2 modern level AIMEs. I have 3 more weekends left, so hoping to mock 6 more AIMEs. Essentially I want to be averaging 11's by the time I take the actual one so I come into the test with confidence. I have to say, AIME is really not my cup of tea, unlike the AIME god librian2000, who averages 13s in his sleep (he still hasn't given me a definitive answer as to how he does so). Hopefully after March 22 I'll get back into posting olympiad problems on my blog.
I really, really, really, really, really want to make USAMO. I just don't know. Everytime I make a silly I feel like one of my babies just got stolen. Jeez but if it wasn't hard then I probably wouldn't want it this bad, so I guess it's a trade-off.
Also, I need another all-nighter to catch up on APUSH.
I've yet to reach Civil War and starting last Thurs every week I'm meeting with my APUSH teacher from last year to prep. American history, I have to say, is quite interesting.
Intra-school competition is Tuesday after-school. I need to submit answers to the problems I proposed.
CMC (Canadian Math Competition) is Wednesday after-school.
Also need to talk to my math teacher about my talk with the principal last week (Stanford Online High School Linear Algebra and Differential Equations looks like a go for me next year).
Also I should probably talk to my teachers who've been tearing my life apart through the most arbitrary grades
(rip GPA). I wish I have time to write a rant about my Stats teacher, who apparently gave me a 2/10 for a free response question even though my reasoning was flawless and answers all correct, simply cause my response isn't how the AP wants it. Last class, I got into an argument with my tablemates on a problem on our worksheets (which I expected to end in a landslide victory). Quite to the contrary, I was embarrassed as they slowly picked apart my answer by handing me a textbook and I realized that their answers were exactly in the same (and 'correct') format of the textbook.
Conclusion: AP Stats isn't math. Don't take it.
Conclusion: AP Stats isn't math. Don't take it.
I have to say, 4 APs for anyone is enough to suck up all their time (esp. four teachers who're extremely point-crunching), which is why I'm taking 4 APs next year as well!
Course list for next year
AP English Language and Composition
AP Computer Science A
AP Economics
AP Physics C
Advanced High Chinese
Linear Algebra (first semester) and Differential Equations (second semester) on Stanford OHS
AP Computer Science A
AP Economics
AP Physics C
Advanced High Chinese
Linear Algebra (first semester) and Differential Equations (second semester) on Stanford OHS
And last but not least, SATs. Alas, I got a [score]
I guess that's what I get for spending all my pre-high-school years watching Naruto, spending 3 years chasing a girl who ended dumping me for a jock after just 1 month of dating through Skype, and playing video games when I should've been reading.
Still rather surprising since I completed every [swear] test from Kaplan's 10 Practice SAT's, Barron's 6 SAT's, Barron's New SAT Guide, PrincetonReview's 2017 guide, Ivy Global's 7 tests, and all official CollegeBoard tests. Added together, that's > 30 reading tests and > 20 writing tests that I practiced. Towards the end, I was consistently averaging 1530.
I guess that's what I get for spending all my pre-high-school years watching Naruto, spending 3 years chasing a girl who ended dumping me for a jock after just 1 month of dating through Skype, and playing video games when I should've been reading.
Still rather surprising since I completed every [swear] test from Kaplan's 10 Practice SAT's, Barron's 6 SAT's, Barron's New SAT Guide, PrincetonReview's 2017 guide, Ivy Global's 7 tests, and all official CollegeBoard tests. Added together, that's > 30 reading tests and > 20 writing tests that I practiced. Towards the end, I was consistently averaging 1530.
I made a FaceBook post a few days ago saying that the Chinese scores have been curved due to cheating (our test was the same as the one in North American last June; I'm speechless). I've never understood and will never understand why people cheat. I can't understand the absurdity of people disrespecting themselves, and of course, others. Do they take joy in winning a video game by activating different cheats? Once again, I don't have time to write another rant so I'll just leave it at this: control what I can control and focus on being the best who I can be.
In addition, June SATs got cancelled cause cheating. August SAT, which just got added, is only offered in the US, so my last shot is May, right in the middle of my 5 AP exams. It's also 2 weeks after USAMO and a week before ISEF in LA (assuming I qualify). Those 2 weeks will be hell.
Speaking of my crush, she got fat so I stopped liking her. And also cause I feel like I'm on a roller coaster thriller; my life simply doesn't slow down enough for my hormones to catch up. So I'm kind of emotionless and weird now oops.
Also Kpop is love Kpop is life. I suggest you guys listen to it when you're doing homework. Nonstop rhythm!