Go away junioritis! Some updates
by shiningsunnyday, Jun 4, 2017, 8:54 AM
Last English essay turned in so it's all over! Landed in San Francisco a few hours ago!
...then flying to Columbus, Ohio for Ross!
Let's see where I stand...
The good stuff:
The bad stuff:
The exciting stuff:
Quirky stuff:
- Visiting my mom in the bay area from now until next Saturday
- Shop for clothes, sit-in some Stanford classes, visit UC-Berkley
- Eat a ton of pho
- Explore the Bay? Anyone wanna meet up?
...then flying to Columbus, Ohio for Ross!
- Meet as many people as possible
- Solve as many problems as possible
- Talk to as many counselors/teachers as possible
- Move around as much as possible
Let's see where I stand...
The good stuff:
- Dropped 5-6 KG near the end of this semester
- Managed to finish off junior year with a 3.90 cumulative GPA
- Got most of my basketball skills back - brought a ball and hoping to play at Ross
The bad stuff:
- Still too fat - will try to drop 5-6 KG more
- I was planning on taking the SAT II Physics yesterday, but my dad rampaged for an hour nonstop after finding out I mocked a 730 by myself, so change of plans: rescheduling it for October, which means I only have one shot in August for the SAT
The exciting stuff:
- I've been contacting some math circles in California to see if anyone will be willing to take me for PUMACThis is apparently more flexible compared to HMMT Feb which rejected me last year (and probably again this year rip); so yea, I really really wanna meet a heck ton of AoPSers so if anyone knows any math circle/team that'll consider me please help!2017
- I've drafted two versions of my college essays, hence beginning college apps. Hoping to get my early apps done by the end of summer (after Ross I'll be staying in Connecticut to work with a counselor).
- I've made some empirical progress on a conjecture I've been working on: a teenage boy's attractiveness is inversely proportional to the square of his weight. Unfortunately the variability of the independent variable is too low so I'll keep grinding.
Quirky stuff:
- I accidentally realized how much time I've been listening to Kpop (as in I listened to it the entire 11 hours of plane ride) - and addictions are bad so Idk what to do
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by shiningsunnyday, Jun 4, 2017, 8:55 AM