Planning My Life // Final Update on This Blog [Part 2/3]
by shiningsunnyday, Mar 30, 2018, 2:52 PM
Ok I finished planning my life.
The reason why this is the final life update I'll ever post on this blog is because this life update encompasses all the big-picture future goals I want to accomplish, based on my current model of the future. The details will change, but as of now that's what I got. The audience of this blog will probably not find my future posts useful, so I've completed the migration to which will be my main site for writing from now on. If you want to follow me you can subscribe your e-mail on the site.
First, some updates
I've also had more time toget high at clubs spend with friends. since last post.
As of now I'm convinced the best way for me to maximize my positive impact on the world (which is my life goal) is through the field of Artificial Intelligence. In order to do so, I plan to take two approaches.
1. Develop safe Artificial General Intelligence aligned with human values by becoming a leader in the field and setting the agenda for safe AI.
Some foreseeable consequences
2. Cognitively enhancing humans through neural implants by creating a high-bandwidth, highly personalized neural implant for learning and push it on the market.
Some foreseeable consequences
This will change the world...
My long-term agenda to accomplish these two is vague, but based on my research up to this point my agenda the next four years at least is quite clear. I think it's most logical to set the following goals for myself at Stanford:
1. Build a robust network of connections
2. Do internships
3. Build a group of peers
4. Find my lifelong partner and marry her in 2022.
Now after graduating...
5. Conduct one year of AI research [2022-2023] during my Masters at Stanford or by joining Google/Facebook's year-long AI Residency Programs.
6. Join Google/Facebook core research team [2023].
7. Spend next two years [2023-2025] building a team, surveying the present market, securing investors, and a product.
By age 30
By age 40
By age 50
Ok, time to get started.
List of stuff to do over spring break
Good life.
The reason why this is the final life update I'll ever post on this blog is because this life update encompasses all the big-picture future goals I want to accomplish, based on my current model of the future. The details will change, but as of now that's what I got. The audience of this blog will probably not find my future posts useful, so I've completed the migration to which will be my main site for writing from now on. If you want to follow me you can subscribe your e-mail on the site.
First, some updates
- I'm employed! I travel around China giving talks to parents/students on the college app process.
- I've been performing a lot at school events (assemblies, Shanghai local events, etc.). I rapped GD, Eminem, and B.O.B. I've got two more planned for the year (best for last). It's been good practice for college.
- I'm weightlifting regularly and started boxing at the gym, and Keto diet has been going well so I'm gaining muscle and losing fat. My weight has stabilized exactly at 70.0 kg.
- I spend most spare time reading on future tech via books, websites, and podcasts.
- A lot of knowledge I gather is processed into posts on
- I finished applications to summer programs SPARC, ESPR, and Google CSSI.
I've also had more time to
As of now I'm convinced the best way for me to maximize my positive impact on the world (which is my life goal) is through the field of Artificial Intelligence. In order to do so, I plan to take two approaches.
1. Develop safe Artificial General Intelligence aligned with human values by becoming a leader in the field and setting the agenda for safe AI.
Some foreseeable consequences
- Making jobs obsolete by necessity
- Launch a new Renaissance
- Maximize the chance of human race surviving extinction in the future
2. Cognitively enhancing humans through neural implants by creating a high-bandwidth, highly personalized neural implant for learning and push it on the market.
Some foreseeable consequences
- An immediate disruption of the education industry, possible end to schooling lmfao
- Learning rate for most domains of skill will skyrocket
- World's nervous system (information transfer and dissemination) will be more optimized
This will change the world...
My long-term agenda to accomplish these two is vague, but based on my research up to this point my agenda the next four years at least is quite clear. I think it's most logical to set the following goals for myself at Stanford:
1. Build a robust network of connections
The maintenance cost of this network is proportional to the size of it, so there's a point of diminishing marginal returns, so I have to do this carefully.
with current and future industry/research experts in the field of AI.2. Do internships
Internships should be at large companies to understand professional workflow, logistics, and get experience.
every summer and work part-time senior year at a startup.My role at the startup should be an important one, in order to learn the process.
3. Build a group of peers
Try to meet someone new everyday and understand their vision to see if we match.
Attend every entrepreneurial event possible to learn and network.
who share the same vision for the future.Attend every entrepreneurial event possible to learn and network.
4. Find my lifelong partner and marry her in 2022.
The reasons for early marriage are three-fold.
a) I likely won't have time for dating when hustling the startup life.
b) I want a growth relationship and already have a clear idea to the kind of partner that would best complement me so why wait?
c) The more successful I get, the harder it is to tell if a girl wants me or my success. A girl who truly belongs with me will see the potential in me and my dreams the same way Stanford did and go through the ups and downs with me even if the chance of me succeeding is slim. Thus, the only way to tell is before the glam and the fashion.
To optimize my chance of finding a high-quality mate, I will increase my attractiveness by:
a) I likely won't have time for dating when hustling the startup life.
b) I want a growth relationship and already have a clear idea to the kind of partner that would best complement me so why wait?
c) The more successful I get, the harder it is to tell if a girl wants me or my success. A girl who truly belongs with me will see the potential in me and my dreams the same way Stanford did and go through the ups and downs with me even if the chance of me succeeding is slim. Thus, the only way to tell is before the glam and the fashion.
To optimize my chance of finding a high-quality mate, I will increase my attractiveness by:
- Become a night club rapper and hip hop dancer.
- Play club basketball and be on top of the game.
- Working out regularly and keep shredded (already working on it).
Once in relationship, my duty then becomes to maximize my partner's happiness (which is a side project that I believe will yield strong returns for me as well). I will: - Spend a few hours with her every day to talk and work independently.
- Go somewhere and do something new with her every Saturday.
Now after graduating...
5. Conduct one year of AI research [2022-2023] during my Masters at Stanford or by joining Google/Facebook's year-long AI Residency Programs.
6. Join Google/Facebook core research team [2023].
7. Spend next two years [2023-2025] building a team, surveying the present market, securing investors, and a product.
If my startup is getting sales, quit Google/Facebook and work full time as an entrepreneur!
If no sales, sell my shares and head back to China to enter a leading role in Baidu's core product or technology team. Since I'm bilingual and come from Google/Facebook's core tech team, this shouldn't be hard. This also allows me to survey China's consumer market, which is going to be way more promising than US.
If no sales, sell my shares and head back to China to enter a leading role in Baidu's core product or technology team. Since I'm bilingual and come from Google/Facebook's core tech team, this shouldn't be hard. This also allows me to survey China's consumer market, which is going to be way more promising than US.
By age 30
I will be either:
a) Be extremely successful from IPO'ing or rich from selling my startup, either in China or Silicon Valley, so I'll:
i) Buy mansions and cars and truckloads of roses for my wife, make kids and do some life stuff.
ii) Join a top investment firm.
iii) Invest the money made into cutting edge neurotechnology R&D startup in 2030.
iv) Become CEO of a neurotech company.
v) Push the learning implant product to the international market.
b) Fail my startup but still be a leading role in Baidu's AI development
i) Continue searching for market opportunities.
ii) Try to join another startup.
iii) If I'm old af, rage quit, go do a PhD in neurotech and go work as a R&D scientist at some startup back in US...
a) Be extremely successful from IPO'ing or rich from selling my startup, either in China or Silicon Valley, so I'll:
i) Buy mansions and cars and truckloads of roses for my wife, make kids and do some life stuff.
ii) Join a top investment firm.
iii) Invest the money made into cutting edge neurotechnology R&D startup in 2030.
iv) Become CEO of a neurotech company.
v) Push the learning implant product to the international market.
b) Fail my startup but still be a leading role in Baidu's AI development
i) Continue searching for market opportunities.
ii) Try to join another startup.
iii) If I'm old af, rage quit, go do a PhD in neurotech and go work as a R&D scientist at some startup back in US...
By age 40
I will either:
a) Be famous from first success and CEO of a bustling and growing company.
i) Do some life stuff.
ii) Become a venture capitalist and invest my money in new startups.
ii) Depending on where I'm faring better, either become a full-time venture capitalist or go back as CEO.
b) Be famous from first success but CEO of a crashing company.
i) Invest all the money I have in another startup and become CEO.
ii) Repeat until I have a successful startup.
c) Still trying to get a first startup working.
i) Age 40 and still no IPO? Probably gg at this point. At least I tried.
ii) Retire from the entrepreneural life and go to step d).
d) Having retired from the entrepreneurial life and working as a R&D neurotech scientist.
i) Continue working for as long as I want.
ii) At some point I'll be tired - quit and become a philosopher or something and start traveling the world.
iii) Bring my family to Mars, perhaps.
a) Be famous from first success and CEO of a bustling and growing company.
i) Do some life stuff.
ii) Become a venture capitalist and invest my money in new startups.
ii) Depending on where I'm faring better, either become a full-time venture capitalist or go back as CEO.
b) Be famous from first success but CEO of a crashing company.
i) Invest all the money I have in another startup and become CEO.
ii) Repeat until I have a successful startup.
c) Still trying to get a first startup working.
i) Age 40 and still no IPO? Probably gg at this point. At least I tried.
ii) Retire from the entrepreneural life and go to step d).
d) Having retired from the entrepreneurial life and working as a R&D neurotech scientist.
i) Continue working for as long as I want.
ii) At some point I'll be tired - quit and become a philosopher or something and start traveling the world.
iii) Bring my family to Mars, perhaps.
By age 50
Companies will likely all be automated by AI, so regardless how rich I am by then, I will probably donate it all to fund Mars development. Then, I'll retire and spend time with family, travel the world, write books, etc.
Ok, time to get started.
List of stuff to do over spring break
- Mass e-mail Stanford professors by researching what each is working on and asking one-by-one if they can mentor my research over summer, as I'll be independently studying and likely will be in the Bay Area.
- Finish Make School application.
- Do some competitive programming (I'm actually so bad at this but I need at least decent skills).
- Read "Superintelligence" by Bostrom.
- Go through MIRI's research agenda on AI alignment and start reading their papers, then complete the application for this year's summer AI Fellowship program.
- Continue Stanford online course in LinAlg and self-study higher math relevant to AI.
- Research on Stanford's programs and plan out my four years there.
Good life.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by shiningsunnyday, Mar 31, 2018, 8:43 AM