To Winston Haters
by flec, Mar 10, 2021, 5:40 PM
To Winston Haters:
I DARE you to come over to my house and NOT SMILE when Winston purrs.
I DARE you to look at Winston's handsome and floofy fur and NOT PET HIM.
I DARE you to look away when Winston puts his sock paws on your legs.
I DARE you to insult him when he brings you a toy.
I DARE you to yell at him when he starts being cute.
I DARE you to go away when Winston starts following you.
I DARE you to NOT UWU while looking at pictures and videos of Winston.
IF YOU DO ALL OF THESE, I'll accept the fact that you hate Winston.
not really though
I DARE you to come over to my house and NOT SMILE when Winston purrs.
I DARE you to look at Winston's handsome and floofy fur and NOT PET HIM.
I DARE you to look away when Winston puts his sock paws on your legs.
I DARE you to insult him when he brings you a toy.
I DARE you to yell at him when he starts being cute.
I DARE you to go away when Winston starts following you.
I DARE you to NOT UWU while looking at pictures and videos of Winston.
IF YOU DO ALL OF THESE, I'll accept the fact that you hate Winston.
not really though