[12/14/2023] finals + more + being (ironically) sick
by flec, Dec 15, 2023, 12:47 AM
here are my grades after this quarter.
anyways guys i finally broke my streak of trying to post an entry every day hahah i was so sure i would be able to keep it up until winter break but i guess not.
my grades for the AP environmental science tests (free-response questions and the multiple choice) have not been put on the gradebook yet but on the FRQ i received a 9/10 or 8/10 which would be curved to a 9.8/10 and a 9.5/10 respectively. i genuinely do not know how well i did on my MCQ portion because i studied so much and was so sleep-deprived that my mind took control over me during the test.
i am really hoping i did not misbubble on any of them because that would be depressing. i had a friend receive a 4/31 on her test because she accidentally put in the wrong version of her test (there's a, b, and c). i had c, which was funny because i have had version c all three times, and my name starts with a c!
self explanatory, except that my AP grade has the potential of moving either up or down
spanish : 101%
comments: very easy class! in fact, our teacher threw us a (small) party today and some kid brought sugar cookies and another filled a huge bucket with a bunch of candy. as long as you aren't one of the boys in the class that keep swearing, she will like you.
intro to graphic design : 4.0
comments: she doesnt teach and gives us 10000 assignments bruh at least we get movies and snacks every friday
precalc: 4.0
comments: our assignments dont even get graded lol only our tests do. basically we have two parts: one is proficiency and the other is a mastery test. proficiency you can get up to a 3 and for mastery you earn the 4 with critical thinking problems. since i already did precalc tutoring over the summer it's fairly easy for me
pe: 99%
comments: the 99% drives me crazy bro i had a 102% then it went straight down because of my push-ups LOL i got an a on push-ups this time but last time i only managed to do 5...
ap environmental science: 84.6% B
comments: i had an 89.04 and was SOOOOOOO close to the a- (only 0.46 away) and then my partner didn't do his share and i got an F for one assignment which caused it to drop... hopefully this test's grade will improve it LOL but as of now this class is ruining my GPA
also my partner made me write the ENTIRE essay and didn't even read it and messed up on our presentation too. furious. if he gets an a i would be... considerably pissed. his excuse is that he's part of asb but my opinion is that if you should suck it up and do your work and that you signed up for it because you could manage it.
pre-ap english 2 (honours english): 4.0
comments: teacher: talks for 50 minutes straight
also teacher: write ur essay in the remaining 5 minutes
don't take my grades seriously though and don't feel bad. my school is hard but also not that hard so compared to others school like in socal and the smart city in my school and stuff it's nothing. okay but i spent so long studying for the test that i have so much to catch up on in other classes
okay the ironic part of me getting sick is that i have a chest cold (also known as acute bronchitis) is literally what we are learning about in apes LOL
we are learning about pollutants and processes and one of the diseases we are studying is actually bronchitis that's so ironic
anyways my chest (literally every part of it, especially the bottom right rib cage) has been hurting like crazy and pacer was incredibly hard because i would be coughing and choking and dying from dry throat every few minutes can't wait for winter break.
i will probably try to work on my short story a little more during the break! hopefully i will stop being paranoid about my score. i am really hoping i did not misbubble anything again, because i feel like i might've. i dreamed through that test.
dreaming is nice.
dreaming through a test is... a really weird experience. it's like you take it, every part of your brain knows it and you're conscious, but after it's over it's just wiped out of your mind and you can't remember a thing. you feel so free, but you feel so bothered at the same time, too.
anyways guys i finally broke my streak of trying to post an entry every day hahah i was so sure i would be able to keep it up until winter break but i guess not.
my grades for the AP environmental science tests (free-response questions and the multiple choice) have not been put on the gradebook yet but on the FRQ i received a 9/10 or 8/10 which would be curved to a 9.8/10 and a 9.5/10 respectively. i genuinely do not know how well i did on my MCQ portion because i studied so much and was so sleep-deprived that my mind took control over me during the test.
i am really hoping i did not misbubble on any of them because that would be depressing. i had a friend receive a 4/31 on her test because she accidentally put in the wrong version of her test (there's a, b, and c). i had c, which was funny because i have had version c all three times, and my name starts with a c!

self explanatory, except that my AP grade has the potential of moving either up or down
spanish : 101%
comments: very easy class! in fact, our teacher threw us a (small) party today and some kid brought sugar cookies and another filled a huge bucket with a bunch of candy. as long as you aren't one of the boys in the class that keep swearing, she will like you.
intro to graphic design : 4.0
comments: she doesnt teach and gives us 10000 assignments bruh at least we get movies and snacks every friday
precalc: 4.0
comments: our assignments dont even get graded lol only our tests do. basically we have two parts: one is proficiency and the other is a mastery test. proficiency you can get up to a 3 and for mastery you earn the 4 with critical thinking problems. since i already did precalc tutoring over the summer it's fairly easy for me
pe: 99%
comments: the 99% drives me crazy bro i had a 102% then it went straight down because of my push-ups LOL i got an a on push-ups this time but last time i only managed to do 5...
ap environmental science: 84.6% B
comments: i had an 89.04 and was SOOOOOOO close to the a- (only 0.46 away) and then my partner didn't do his share and i got an F for one assignment which caused it to drop... hopefully this test's grade will improve it LOL but as of now this class is ruining my GPA
also my partner made me write the ENTIRE essay and didn't even read it and messed up on our presentation too. furious. if he gets an a i would be... considerably pissed. his excuse is that he's part of asb but my opinion is that if you should suck it up and do your work and that you signed up for it because you could manage it.
pre-ap english 2 (honours english): 4.0
comments: teacher: talks for 50 minutes straight
also teacher: write ur essay in the remaining 5 minutes
don't take my grades seriously though and don't feel bad. my school is hard but also not that hard so compared to others school like in socal and the smart city in my school and stuff it's nothing. okay but i spent so long studying for the test that i have so much to catch up on in other classes
okay the ironic part of me getting sick is that i have a chest cold (also known as acute bronchitis) is literally what we are learning about in apes LOL
we are learning about pollutants and processes and one of the diseases we are studying is actually bronchitis that's so ironic
anyways my chest (literally every part of it, especially the bottom right rib cage) has been hurting like crazy and pacer was incredibly hard because i would be coughing and choking and dying from dry throat every few minutes can't wait for winter break.
i will probably try to work on my short story a little more during the break! hopefully i will stop being paranoid about my score. i am really hoping i did not misbubble anything again, because i feel like i might've. i dreamed through that test.
dreaming is nice.
dreaming through a test is... a really weird experience. it's like you take it, every part of your brain knows it and you're conscious, but after it's over it's just wiped out of your mind and you can't remember a thing. you feel so free, but you feel so bothered at the same time, too.
This post has been edited 3 times. Last edited by flec, Dec 15, 2023, 12:49 AM