eight things that make my life hard
by flec, Dec 1, 2023, 4:06 AM
self explanatory title, but i'm not being emo and just stating straight up traits i have
1) environmental allergies: one nostril is permanently stuffy. i've tried those little sprays that u do but every time i spray the stuffy part the other one immediately becomes stuffy and repeat infinity
2) lactose intolerance + mild dairy allergy + sensitivity to eggs, oily things, and gluten. OH MY GOD THAT CUPCAKES LOOKS SOOOOOO... goood...... [life ending sigh]
3) procrastination + physically not being able to focus if something is boring. i sit and mess around for four of my six class periods, and the only ones i pay attention are in ap environmental science and pe. we're in our badminton unit. :}
4) over competitiveness but no motivation to follow through
5) 8-year-lasting emetophobia which led to mild/moderately mild anxiety
6) cavities and gum pain from lack of sleep: everyone is like why is this on ur list but i'm telling you, toothpain is painful and i skipped eating chips for like three weeks because of it
7) literally chronic dry skin. no lotion has fixed this problem
8) being an asian trying to get into college while competing against thousands of other asians that are better than me in every single way possible, including being me
these are physical traits (traits that you can like factually say "she is [trait]." (and yes, over competitiveness is a fact) that you can describe me with so therefore these don't make me emo. i'm the opposite of emo and to prove that i wore pink last weekend and i went out with friends.
but there are these two emo kids in my pe class and they spend the entirety of class crying and every time someone makes the slightest loud noise they collapse on the ground in sobs while covering their ears. if it's real, i feel very sorry for them. if it's fake, well, mess around and find out.
anyways if all of these six disappeared i would not be me, but then again i really wish i didn't have the sensitivities to all those foods because i really like ice cream and nutella
1) environmental allergies: one nostril is permanently stuffy. i've tried those little sprays that u do but every time i spray the stuffy part the other one immediately becomes stuffy and repeat infinity
2) lactose intolerance + mild dairy allergy + sensitivity to eggs, oily things, and gluten. OH MY GOD THAT CUPCAKES LOOKS SOOOOOO... goood...... [life ending sigh]
3) procrastination + physically not being able to focus if something is boring. i sit and mess around for four of my six class periods, and the only ones i pay attention are in ap environmental science and pe. we're in our badminton unit. :}
4) over competitiveness but no motivation to follow through
5) 8-year-lasting emetophobia which led to mild/moderately mild anxiety
6) cavities and gum pain from lack of sleep: everyone is like why is this on ur list but i'm telling you, toothpain is painful and i skipped eating chips for like three weeks because of it
7) literally chronic dry skin. no lotion has fixed this problem
8) being an asian trying to get into college while competing against thousands of other asians that are better than me in every single way possible, including being me
these are physical traits (traits that you can like factually say "she is [trait]." (and yes, over competitiveness is a fact) that you can describe me with so therefore these don't make me emo. i'm the opposite of emo and to prove that i wore pink last weekend and i went out with friends.
but there are these two emo kids in my pe class and they spend the entirety of class crying and every time someone makes the slightest loud noise they collapse on the ground in sobs while covering their ears. if it's real, i feel very sorry for them. if it's fake, well, mess around and find out.
anyways if all of these six disappeared i would not be me, but then again i really wish i didn't have the sensitivities to all those foods because i really like ice cream and nutella
This post has been edited 6 times. Last edited by flec, Dec 1, 2023, 4:30 AM