family tree + genes
by flec, Jul 4, 2024, 12:36 AM
parents hair color, mine, eyes, dominancies, etc cuz this was fun to do!
physical appearance
blood type
other genetic traits
genetics are weird
no wonder i failed my bio test aha
makes no sense
physical appearance
- dad = fair
- mom = tan
- me = fair
- comments: i don’t care much about this except the fact that i get sunburnt and it is painful, also i have to always apply sunscreen in the summer which is kinda annoying
- dad = dark brown
- mom = black
- me = dark brown
- comments: also don’t really care. dark brown/black hair is both cool, though i think jet black hair is super pretty
blood type
- dad = o
- mom = o
- me = o
- comments: self explanatory
- dad = 6’0”
- mom = 5’5”
- me = 5’6”
- comments: wish i was a little taller but okay. i think 5’6” is a good height but not for volleyball. i should’ve picked dance but at the same time vball is fire
other genetic traits
- dad = 145
- mom = 128
- me = 145
- comments: then my uncle flexing is 152 iq. and even with my iq above average i pulled a push door yesterday, so i wouldn’t be surprised if it was actually 90 and the tester just fumbled
- grandma on dad’s side = left
- grandma on mom’s side = right
- dad = right
- mom = right
- me = left
- comments: ambidex because i got trained to use my right hand but that didn’t completely work lol
- dad = freckles
- mom = no freckles
- me = no freckles
- comments: freckles are cute but i sadly didn’t get them
genetics are weird
no wonder i failed my bio test aha
makes no sense
This post has been edited 4 times. Last edited by flec, Nov 21, 2024, 1:21 AM