bad foods (imo)
by flec, Mar 30, 2022, 4:40 PM
here are the lists of food that i think are bad -> disgusting
i'm not really a picky eater and everyone knows i love food
so yeah showing my <3 ethos <3
- mac and cheese. nope. just nope. way too cheesy imo.
- school food. fat-free milk !!
- celery. no.
- black licorice. if you disagree with me, i will throw you off this earth and make sure you never return.
- durian. disagree with me all you want, but this is absolutely nasty
- raw cauliflower/broccoli. why do schools give these to you raw. they're meant to be cooked sobbing
- fat free chocolate milk/regular milk. okay the regular milk is like transparent-
yeah here's my list kekw
i'm not really a picky eater and everyone knows i love food

- mac and cheese. nope. just nope. way too cheesy imo.
- school food. fat-free milk !!
- celery. no.
- black licorice. if you disagree with me, i will throw you off this earth and make sure you never return.
- durian. disagree with me all you want, but this is absolutely nasty

- raw cauliflower/broccoli. why do schools give these to you raw. they're meant to be cooked sobbing
- fat free chocolate milk/regular milk. okay the regular milk is like transparent-
yeah here's my list kekw