190. Very nice ! Coculescu's Contest seniors 2010.

by Virgil Nicula, Dec 12, 2010, 11:00 AM

Proposed problem. Let $ABC$ be a nonisosceles triangle and $E\in(AB)$ , $D\in (AC)$ be two points so that the quadrilateral $BCDE$ is cyclically. Denote

$O\in EC\cap BD$ and the midpoints $N$ , $P$ of the segments $[DE]$ , $[BC]$ respectively. Prove that the line $AO$ is tangent to the circumcircle of $\triangle PON$ .

Proof (official). Denote the midpoint $M$ of the segment $[AO]$ . Then $P\in MN$ - the Gauss' line for the complet quadrilateral $ADOEBC$ . Construct

N\in (OR) & , & NO=NR\\
P\in (OQ) & , & PO=PQ\end{array}\right\|$ . Observe that $R\in AQ$ . Since $BQCO$ is parallelogram obtain that $CQ=BO$ . Since $\triangle EOD\sim\triangle BOC$

and $\triangle ADE\sim\triangle ABC$ obtain that $\frac{CQ}{EO}=\frac{BO}{EO}=\frac{BC}{ED}=\frac{AC}{AE}$ . Since $\widehat{AEO}\equiv\widehat{ACQ}$ obtain that $\triangle AEO\sim\triangle ACQ$ $\implies$ $\widehat{AOE}\equiv\widehat{AQC}$.

Since $\angle CQP\equiv\angle BOP\equiv\angle EON$ obtain that $\angle AON\equiv\angle OQA\equiv\angle OPN$ $\implies$ the line $AO$ is tangent to the circumcircle of $\triangle PON$ .

Remark. Very nice and interesting problem ! Denote $S\in AO\cap DE$ , $R\in AO\cap BC$ . I"ll prove that the quadrilateral $SNPR$ is cyclically.

Indeed, since division $(A,S,O,R)$ is harmonically and $M$ is midpoint of $[AO]$ obtain that $MO^2=MS\cdot MR$ . Since the line $MO$ is tangent

to circumcircle of $\triangle NOP$ obtain that $MO^2=MN\cdot MP$ . Thus, $MS\cdot MR=MN\cdot MP$ , i.e. quadrilateral $SNPR$ is cyclically. Denote

the Gauss' line $d\equiv\overline{MNP}$ and the intersections $X\in AB\cap d$ , $Y\in AC\cap d$ . Prove easily that $AN$ is tangent to the circumcircle of $\triangle XAY$ .

P1 (ONM Belgia 2004). Let $\triangle ABC$ with $c>b\ ,$ $D\in [AC$ so that $BD=CD$ and $E\in (BC)\ ,$ $F\in AB$ so that $EF\parallel BD$ and $G\in AE\cap BD\ .$ Prove that $\widehat{BCF}\equiv\widehat{BCG}\ .$

Proof 1 (Arab). Let $H\in AD$ such that $GH\parallel BC\ .$ Therefore, $FE\parallel BD\implies \frac{EF}{GB}=\frac{AE}{AG}=\frac{EC}{GH}\implies $ $\triangle CEF\sim \triangle HGB$.

In conclusion, $BCHG$ is an isosceles trapezoid because $BD=CD\ .$. Hence $\angle FCB=\angle FCE=\angle BHG=\angle BCG\ .$ Very nice!

Proof 2 . Let $:\ S\in EF\cap CG\ ,$ $K\in EF\cap AD$ and $M\in EF$ so that $CM\perp CB\ ;\ EB=m\ ,$ i.e. $EC=a-m$ and $DB=DC=d\ .$ Thus, $\frac {EK}{BD}=\frac {CE}{CB}=\frac {a-m}a\iff$

$\boxed{KE=KC=KM=\frac {d(a-m)}a}\ (1)$ and $ME=2\cdot KE=\frac {2d(a-m)}a\ .$ I"ll show that the division $(F,E,S,M)$ is harmonic, i.e. $\boxed{\frac {EF}{ES}=\frac {MF}{MS}}\ (*)\ .$ Therefore,

$\frac {EF}{ES}=\frac {EF}{BG}\cdot\frac {BG}{ES}=\frac {AK}{AD}\cdot \frac {CB}{CE}=$ $\frac {AC+CK}{AC+CD}\cdot \frac {CB}{CE}=\frac {b+\frac {d(a-m)}a}{b+d}\cdot\frac a{a-m}\implies$ $\boxed{\frac {EF}{ES}=\frac {a(b+d)-md}{(a-m)(b+d)}}\ (2)\ .$ Apply the Menelaus' theorem to the transversal $\overline{AEG}$

and $\triangle BCD\ :\ \frac {AC}{AD}\cdot \frac{GD}{GB}\cdot\frac {EB}{EC}=1\iff$ $\boxed{\frac {GB}{GD}=\frac b{b+d}\cdot \frac m{a-m}}\ (3)\ \implies$ $\frac {EF}{EK}=\frac {GB}{GD}\ \stackrel{1\wedge 3}{\implies}\ EF$ $=\frac {d(a-m)}a\cdot \frac {bm}{(b+d)(a-m)}\implies$ $\boxed{EF=\frac {mbd}{a(b+d)}}\ (4)\ .$

Observe that $\frac {SE}{SK}=\frac {GB}{GD}\ \stackrel{3}{=}\ \frac {bm}{(b+d)(a-m)}\implies$ $\frac {SE}{bm}=\frac {SK}{(b+d)(a-m)}=$ $\frac {EK}{bm+(b+d)(a-m)}=$ $\frac {d(a-m)}{a(ab+ad-md)}\implies$ $\boxed{SE=\frac {mbd(a-m)}{a(ab+ad-md)}}\ (5)\ .$ Hence

$\frac {MF}{MS}=\frac {ME+EF}{ME-ES}=$ $\frac { \frac {2d(a-m)}{a} +\frac {mbd}{a(b+d)} } { \frac {2d(a-m)}{a}-\frac {mbd(a-m)}{a(ab+ad-md)} }=$ $\frac {2(a-m) +\frac {mb}{b+d} } {2(a-m)-\frac {mb(a-m)}{ab+ad-md} }=$ $\frac {2(a-m) +\frac {mb}{b+d} } {(a-m)\cdot\left[2-\frac {mb}{ab+ad-md}\right] }=$ $\frac {2(ab+ad-md)-mb}{b+d}\cdot\frac {ab+ad-md}{(a-m)[2(ab+ad-md)-mb]}=$

$\frac {ab+ad-md}{(b+d)(a-m)}\implies$ $\boxed{\frac {MF}{MS}=\frac {a(b+d)-md}{(b+d)(a-m)}}\ (6)\ .$ In conclusion, the relations $(2)$ and $(6)$ prove that $\frac {EF}{ES}=\frac {MF}{MS}\ ,$ i.e. the division $(F,E,S,M)$ is harmonic. From an well

known property obtain that the rays $[CE\perp [CM\implies$ the ray $[CE$ is the bisector of the angle $\widehat{FCS}\ ,$ i.e. $\widehat{BCF}\equiv\widehat{BCG}\ .$

Remark. Another case: "Let $\triangle ABC$ with $c<b\ ,$ $D\in (AC)$ so that $BD=CD$ and $E\in (BC)\ ,$ $F\in AB$ so that $EF\parallel BD$ and $G\in AE\cap BD\ .$ Prove that $\widehat{BCF}\equiv\widehat{BCG}$ ".
This post has been edited 56 times. Last edited by Virgil Nicula, Aug 17, 2016, 2:19 PM



Own problems or extensions/generalizations of some problems which was posted here.


Virgil Nicula
+ October 2017
+ September 2017
+ December 2016
+ October 2016
+ February 2016
+ September 2013
+ October 2010
+ September 2010
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    by piphi, Jun 10, 2020, 11:44 PM

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    by CSPAL, May 27, 2020, 4:17 PM

  • impressive :D
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    by OlympusHero, May 14, 2020, 8:43 PM

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