355. Some problems with polynomials or equations I
by Virgil Nicula, Aug 28, 2012, 1:21 PM
PP1. Prove easily that
. Prove similarly that there is
such that
. Find
Proof 1. Since
what means exists
such that
for any
. In conclusion,
. Observe that 
what means that exists
so that
for any

Verify :
Remark. Prove easily that
Proof 2 (with fundamental symmetrical forms). Denote the equation
with the roots
, where 
. Prove easily that
. Therefore,
. Prove easily that 
. Thus,
PP2. Let
be the roots of the equation
. Determine the value of the product
Proof. Let
. Thus,

PP3. Let a cubic polynomial
. You are also give
. If both
are factors of the polynomial
, then compute largest possible value of 
are factors of
iff the equations
have at least one common root iff 
. In conclusion,
and in this case
Remark (see PP12). I used the remarkable property: the equations
, where
have at least one common root
PP4. Let
. Given that
. Find the value of
Proof. Denote
. Observe that
In conclusion,
PP5. Let the equation
. Find the equation with the roots
Proof. Denote
. Observe that
. Thus,

, i.e.
. I"ll eliminate

In conclusion, the required equation is
PP6. Solve the following system of equations
Proof 1. The idea is to let
and find
so that the coefficients of degree 1 become zero. Basically what we have to do is to take derivatives
of the two LHS in terms of
. Then let all 4 derivatives equal zero and solve that system of equations to obtain
. Therefore, 
. Let
we have the system
. Substract (3) from (4) we have
Proof 2.


PP7. Prove that for any real number
there is the inequality
Proof. Denote
. Therefore,
PP8. Let
be a solution of the system
. Find the greatest possible value of
Proof. Let
. Expanding gives

. Suppose w.l.o.g. that
is a factor of
. The other factor is either
. Thus,
with sum of squares 
with sum of squares
. In conclusion,
is the greatest.
PP9. Let
such that
. Find all possible values of
Proof. So
. Let
, where
. Thus,

. Thus,
PP10. Factorize over
(with the details and no extra assist) the polynomial
Proof 1. I"ll use the standard substitution
. Therefore, our polynomial becomes :
![\[\boxed{\ \begin{array}{c}
\\ x^8+98x^4+1\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(x^4+\frac 1{x^4}\right)+98\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(x^2+\frac 1{x^2}\right)^2+96\right]\\\\
x^4\left\{\left[\left(x+\frac 1x\right)^2-2\right]^2+96\right\}\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(t^2-2\right)^2+96\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left(t^4-4t^2+100\right)\\\\
x^4\left[\left(t^2+10\right)^2-24t^2\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left(t^2-2\sqrt 6\cdot t+10\right)\left(t^2+2\sqrt 6\cdot t+10\right)\\\\
\left[(xt)^2-2\sqrt 6\cdot x(xt)+10x^2\right]\left[(xt)^2+2\sqrt 6\cdot x(xt)+10x^2\right]\\\\
\left[\left(x^2+1\right)^2-2\sqrt 6\cdot x\left(x^2+1\right)+10x^2\right]\left[\left(x^2+1\right)^2+2\sqrt 6\cdot x\left(x^2+1\right)+10x^2\right]\\\\
\boxed{\left(x^4-2\sqrt 6\cdot x^3+12x^2-2\sqrt 6\cdot x+1\right)\left(x^4+2\sqrt 6\cdot x^3+12x^2+2\sqrt 6\cdot x+1\right)}\\\\
\left(x^4+12x^2+1\right)^2-\left[2\sqrt 6x\left(x^2+1\right)\right]^2\\\ \end{array}\ }\]](//latex.artofproblemsolving.com/a/1/0/a109d1aaf082618e423c744636a83208a654f485.png)
Proof 2. I"ll use the standard substitution
. Therefore, our polynomial becomes :
![\[\boxed{\ \begin{array}{c}
\\ x^8+98x^4+1\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(x^4+\frac 1{x^4}\right)+98\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(x^2+\frac 1{x^2}\right)^2+96\right]\\\\
x^4\left\{\left[\left(x-\frac 1x\right)^2+2\right]^2+96\right\}\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(t^2+2\right)^2+96\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left(t^4+4t^2+100\right)\\\\
x^4\left[\left(t^2+10\right)^2-16t^2\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left(t^2-4t+10\right)\left(t^2+4t+10\right)\\\\
(x^4 + 8x^2 + 1)^2 - (4x^3 - 4x)^2\\\ \end{array}\ }\]](//latex.artofproblemsolving.com/f/f/a/ffa8448369e36ea1682323b80cb5fbc8db590394.png)
Proof 3.
Remark. The last two proofs present the factorize over
Proof 4.
PP11. Let
such that
. Find the value of
. Thus,
. So

. In conclusion,

PP12. The equations
have at least one common root
and the common root is
Proof. Using the Cramer's rules solve the system
In conclusion,
and in this case the common root is
PP13. Prove that the roots of the equation
, where
, are real.
Proof 1 (without derivatives).
and prove easily that
In conclusion, the equation
has three real roots so that
Proof 2 (with derivatives). Denote
and prove easily that 
. Since
obtain that
. Thus,
. In conclusion,
so that
PP14. Find
so that exist
for which
, where
Proof. Let
. Thus,
. Therefore,

. Since

. In conclusion,

PP15. Find the remainder when the polynomial
is divided by
Proof. Let
. Exist
so that
. Therefore,
. In conclusion,
obtain that
PP16. Let
be an equation with the roots
, where
. Prove that
Proof. Observe that

Proof 1. Since


what means that exists



Verify :

Remark. Prove easily that
![$3\cdot \left[(x+y+z)^5-\left(x^5+y^5+z^5\right)\right]=$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/a/4/a/a4a39373aa757c84190179c0ece1235f95b5f4bc.png)
Proof 2 (with fundamental symmetrical forms). Denote the equation




PP2. Let

Proof. Let


PP3. Let a cubic polynomial


Remark (see PP12). I used the remarkable property: the equations

PP4. Let

Proof. Denote


In conclusion,

PP5. Let the equation

Proof. Denote

![$\left[\frac {b(y+1)}{a}\right]^2+\frac {a(y+2)}{y+1}=0\iff$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/2/b/4/2b4e7bd1c837e4d1af76485b6db8ffd5b21e5b51.png)

In conclusion, the required equation is

PP6. Solve the following system of equations

Proof 1. The idea is to let

of the two LHS in terms of

Proof 2.


PP7. Prove that for any real number

Proof. Denote

PP8. Let

Proof. Let


PP9. Let

Proof. So

PP10. Factorize over

Proof 1. I"ll use the standard substitution

![\[\boxed{\ \begin{array}{c}
\\ x^8+98x^4+1\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(x^4+\frac 1{x^4}\right)+98\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(x^2+\frac 1{x^2}\right)^2+96\right]\\\\
x^4\left\{\left[\left(x+\frac 1x\right)^2-2\right]^2+96\right\}\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(t^2-2\right)^2+96\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left(t^4-4t^2+100\right)\\\\
x^4\left[\left(t^2+10\right)^2-24t^2\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left(t^2-2\sqrt 6\cdot t+10\right)\left(t^2+2\sqrt 6\cdot t+10\right)\\\\
\left[(xt)^2-2\sqrt 6\cdot x(xt)+10x^2\right]\left[(xt)^2+2\sqrt 6\cdot x(xt)+10x^2\right]\\\\
\left[\left(x^2+1\right)^2-2\sqrt 6\cdot x\left(x^2+1\right)+10x^2\right]\left[\left(x^2+1\right)^2+2\sqrt 6\cdot x\left(x^2+1\right)+10x^2\right]\\\\
\boxed{\left(x^4-2\sqrt 6\cdot x^3+12x^2-2\sqrt 6\cdot x+1\right)\left(x^4+2\sqrt 6\cdot x^3+12x^2+2\sqrt 6\cdot x+1\right)}\\\\
\left(x^4+12x^2+1\right)^2-\left[2\sqrt 6x\left(x^2+1\right)\right]^2\\\ \end{array}\ }\]](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/a/1/0/a109d1aaf082618e423c744636a83208a654f485.png)
Proof 2. I"ll use the standard substitution

![\[\boxed{\ \begin{array}{c}
\\ x^8+98x^4+1\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(x^4+\frac 1{x^4}\right)+98\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(x^2+\frac 1{x^2}\right)^2+96\right]\\\\
x^4\left\{\left[\left(x-\frac 1x\right)^2+2\right]^2+96\right\}\ \iff\ x^4\left[\left(t^2+2\right)^2+96\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left(t^4+4t^2+100\right)\\\\
x^4\left[\left(t^2+10\right)^2-16t^2\right]\ \iff\ x^4\left(t^2-4t+10\right)\left(t^2+4t+10\right)\\\\
(x^4 + 8x^2 + 1)^2 - (4x^3 - 4x)^2\\\ \end{array}\ }\]](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/f/f/a/ffa8448369e36ea1682323b80cb5fbc8db590394.png)
Proof 3.

Remark. The last two proofs present the factorize over

Proof 4.

PP11. Let


PP12. The equations

Proof. Using the Cramer's rules solve the system

In conclusion,

PP13. Prove that the roots of the equation

Proof 1 (without derivatives).

![$f(x)\equiv x[(x-a)(x-b)+(x-b)(x-c)+(x-c)(x-a)]-(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)=0$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/3/7/b/37ba7a838de020fcac8ddd73bc2c7188a1b1d102.png)

In conclusion, the equation

Proof 2 (with derivatives). Denote

PP14. Find

Proof. Let

![$\boxed{\ a\in (-\infty,-1]\cup[3,\infty)}$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/3/1/1/31190adce816666bd40497f2bf1af8009c13b6e1.png)
PP15. Find the remainder when the polynomial

Proof. Let


PP16. Let

Proof. Observe that

This post has been edited 91 times. Last edited by Virgil Nicula, Nov 17, 2015, 7:04 AM