328. A general identities with areas in a triangle ABC.

by Virgil Nicula, Nov 5, 2011, 9:58 AM

PP. Let $\triangle ABC$ and the points $P\in (BC)$ , $Q\in (CA)$ , $R\in (AB)$ so that $\frac {PB}{PC}=\frac {QC}{QA}=\frac {RA}{RB}=\frac mn$ . Prove that $\frac {[PQR]}{[ABC]}=\frac {m^3+n^3}{(m+n)^3}$ .

Proof. Using the Routh's theorem for three equal ratios $\frac{_{PB}}{^{PC}}=\frac{_{QC}}{^{QA}}=\frac{_{RA}}{^{RB}}=\frac{_m}{^n}$ yields $\frac{[PQR]}{[ABC]}=\frac{1+\frac{m}{n} \cdot \frac{m}{n} \cdot \frac{m}{n}}{(1+\frac{m}{n})(1+\frac{m}{n})(1+\frac{m}{n})}=\frac{m^3+n^3}{(m+n)^3}$ .

Routh's theorem. Let $ ABC$ be a triangle with $S=[ABC]$ . Then $ \left\|\begin{array}{ccc} M\in (BC) & , & \frac {MB}{MC} = m \\
N\in (CA) & , & \frac {NC}{NA} = n \\
P\in (AB) & , & \frac {NA}{NB} = n\end{array}\right\|\ \implies\ [MNP] $ $= \frac {1 + mnp}{(1 + m)(1 + n)(1 + p)}\cdot S$ .

Proof. $ \left\{\begin{array}{c} \frac {MB}{m} = \frac {MC}{1} = \frac {BC}{1 + m} \\
\frac {NC}{n} = \frac {NA}{1} = \frac {CA}{1 + n} \\
\frac {PA}{p} = \frac {PB}{1} = \frac {AB}{1 + p}\end{array}\right\|$ . Observe that $ \frac {[MNP]}{[ABC]} = \frac {[ABC] - [APN] - [BMP] - [CNM]}{[ABC]} =$

$ 1 - \frac {AP}{AB}\cdot \frac {AN}{AC} - \frac {BM}{BC}\cdot\frac {BP}{BA} - \frac {CN}{CA}\cdot\frac {CM}{CB} =$ $ 1 - \frac {p}{1 + p}\cdot\frac {1}{1 + n} - \frac {m}{1 + m}\cdot\frac {1}{1 + p} - \frac {n}{1 + n}\cdot\frac {1}{1 + m} =$

$ \frac {(1 + m)(1 + n)(1 + p) - p(1 + m) - m(1 + n) - n(1 + p)}{(1 + m)(1 + n)(1 + p)} =$ $ \frac {1 + mnp}{(1 + m)(1 + n)(1 + p)}$ .

Remark. I used often that if $ X\in AB$ (sideline !) and $ Y\in AC$ (sideline !), then $ \frac {[AXY]}{[ABC]} = \frac {AX}{AB}\cdot\frac {AY}{AC}$ . If $ m = n = p = \frac rs\ \implies$

$\frac {[MNP]}{[ABC]} = \frac {1 + m^3}{(1 + m)^3} = \frac {r^3 + s^3}{(r + s)^3}$ (the proposed problem). Otherwise. $ \frac {MB}{MC}=\frac {NC}{NA}=\frac {PA}{PB}=$ $ \frac rs\ \implies$ $[APN]=[BMP]=$

$[CNM]=\frac {rs}{(r+s)^2}\cdot [ABC]\ \implies$ $ \frac {[MNP]}{[ABC]}=1-\frac {3rs}{(r+s)^2}=$ $ \frac {r^2+s^2-rs}{(r+s)^2}\ \implies\ [MNP]=$ $ \frac {r^3+s^3}{(r+s)^3}\cdot [ABC]$ .

Generalization. $ \triangle\ ABC\ \wedge\ \ \boxed {\ \begin{array}{ccc} D\in (BC) & ; & \frac {DB}{DC} = m \\
E\in (CA) & ; & \frac {EC}{EA} = n \\
F\in (AB) & ; & \frac {FA}{FB} = p\end{array}\ \ \wedge\ \ \begin{array}{ccc} X\in (BC) & ; & \frac {XB}{XC} = x \\
Y\in (CA) & ; & \frac {YC}{YA} = y \\
Z\in (AB) & ; & \frac {ZA}{ZB} = z\end{array}\ \ \wedge\ \ \begin{array}{c} M\in AD\cap YZ \\
N\in BE\cap ZX \\
P\in CF\cap XY\end{array}\ }$ $ \implies$

$ \boxed {\ [MNP] =\frac {(1 + xyz)(1 + mnpxyz)}{[mz(1 + y) + (1 + z)]\cdot [nx(1 + z) + (1 + x)]\cdot [py(1 + x) + (1 + y)]}\cdot [ABC]\ }$ .

Particular case. $ x = y = z = 1\ \implies\ 4\cdot [MNP] = [DEF]$ (the Pohoatza's problem).

Proof. Apply the Routh's relation :

$ \left\|\begin{array}{ccccc} M\in YZ\cap AD & \implies & \frac {MY}{MZ} = \frac {DC}{DB}\cdot\frac {AY}{AZ}\cdot \frac {AB}{AC} & \implies & u = \frac {MY}{MZ} = \frac {1 + z}{mz(1 + y)} \\
N\in ZX\cap BE & \implies & \frac {NZ}{NX} = \frac {EA}{EC}\cdot\frac {BZ}{BX}\cdot \frac {BC}{BA} & \implies & v = \frac {NZ}{NX} = \frac {1 + x}{nx(1 + z)} \\
P\in XY\cap CF & \implies & \frac {PX}{PY} = \frac {FB}{FA}\cdot\frac {CX}{CY}\cdot \frac {CA}{CB} & \implies & w = \frac {PX}{PZ} = \frac {1 + y}{py(1 + x)}\end{array}\right\|$ $ \implies\ uvw = \frac {1}{mnpxyz}$ and

$ [MNP] = \frac {1 + uvw}{(1 + u)(1 + v)(1 + w)}\cdot [XYZ] =$ $ \frac {1 + uvw}{(1 + u)(1 + v)(1 + w)}\cdot\frac {1 + xyz}{(1 + x)(1 + y)(1 + z)}\cdot [ABC] \ \implies$

$ [MNP] =$ $ \frac {1 + \frac {1}{mnpxyz}}{\frac {[mz(1 + y) + (1 + z)]\cdot [nx(1 + z) + (1 + x)]\cdot [py(1 + x) + (1 + y)]}{mnpxyz(1 + x)(1 + y)(1 + z)}}\cdot\frac {1 + xyz}{(1 + x)(1 + y)(1 + z)}\ \implies$

$ [MNP] =$ $ \frac {(1 + xyz)(1 + mnpxyz)}{[mz(1 + y) + (1 + z)]\cdot [nx(1 + z) + (1 + x)]\cdot [py(1 + x) + (1 + y)]}\cdot [ABC]$ .

This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by Virgil Nicula, Nov 19, 2015, 4:20 PM



Own problems or extensions/generalizations of some problems which was posted here.


Virgil Nicula
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