301. Some trigonometrico-geometrical inequalities.
by Virgil Nicula, Jul 22, 2011, 9:32 PM
Proof. Prove easily an interesting and nice identity
Apply this identity in
. Therefore,
Otherwise. Prove easily or is well-known that the powers of
(orthocenter) and
(centroid) w.r.t. the circumcircle
. Thus, 
. I used
Using this well-known identity
, our inequality becomes 
which is just Gerretsen's inequality. Nice and easy inequality !
Otherwise. If
, then
. Can suppose that
is acute. In this case

. Therefore,
. See and inequalities
PP2. Prove that in any triangle
there are the following inequalities :
(click ==>) here
(click ==>) here
Proof. Prove easily that

- the Gerrretsen's inequality.
Remark. Observe that


- the Gerrretsen's inequality.
Proof. Show easily that the inequality
is equivalently with the inequality

Using the well known identities
the given inequality
becomes ![$\sum\, \left[\frac {s(s-a)}{bc}\cdot\frac 1{\frac {a^3}{8R^3}}\right]\, \ge\, \frac 9{4\cdot\frac {abc}{8R^3}}$](//latex.artofproblemsolving.com/0/6/7/0676e73474ea5a1a0a9c6ffd26ac47aacee9c0cf.png)
. By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality one has : 
and taking into account that :
the last inequality is now equivalent to the following :
. Consequently, it suffices to show that :
But this inequality is true because it is weaker than Gerretsen's inequality i.e.
PP4. Prove that the remarkable inequality
Proof. I"ll use the inequality
and the identity
. So, we get 
Application. Let
be a triangle. Its excircles touch sides
respectively. Prove that the perimeter of triangle
is at most twice that of triangle
Proof 1 (Luisgeometria). Denote the projections
on exterior
-bisector of
. Observe that
and ![$EF\ge XY=AX+AY=[(s-b)+(s-c)]\cdot \sin \frac A2=$](//latex.artofproblemsolving.com/d/9/7/d9747b4db36107b58099e8eafad85370c95fdb47.png)
. Using the inegality from the proposed problem PP4 obtain that
Proof 2 (Zephyredx). Denote
for which
are parallely with the (interior)
-bisector of
. Prove easily
. In conclusion,
Remark. Observe that

. If
are the midpoints of
, then
is parallely with
-bisector of
PP5. Prove that in any triangle there is the following chain of the equivalencies
Proof 1.
Show easily that
. Therefore, 
. Denote
. Thus,

Proof 2.
. Add
left/right and use the relation
. Multiply by
Use the relations
. But
. Multiply by
and use the relation
. Simplify by

![$ \Longleftrightarrow\ \left(b^2 + c^2\right)\left[a^2 - (b - c)^2\right]\le 2a^2bc$](//latex.artofproblemsolving.com/d/3/0/d30f65d12d049d613aeaa013c1f4e6b64b8d2497.png)

Remark. For the last one on right side :

PP6. Let
be points on the sides
respectively of a triangle
(distinct from the vertices).
If the quadrilateral
is cyclic, prove that
(Balkan MO - 1992, Greece).
Proof. Denote the second intersection
with the circumcircle
. Observe that 
PP7. Prove that in any triangle
there is thetrigonometric inequality
Proof 1.

, what is the product of these
simple inequalities
PP8. Let
be a square with circumcircle
. Let
be a point on the minor arc of
. Prove that
Proof. Suppose w.l.o.g.
and note
. Thus,
In conclusion,
- an interesting identity.
Observe that
![$\left[\cos (x-y)+\frac {\sqrt 2}{2}\right]\ge\left(3+2\sqrt 2\right)\left[\cos (x-y)-\frac{\sqrt 2}{2}\right]$](//latex.artofproblemsolving.com/e/d/d/edd00fab10985e2589a5b5e0016d0e01c484e37a.png)
, what is evidently. In my opinion and
is an interesting inequality.
PP9. Let
be a triangle and let
. Prove that the following inequalities hold :
with equality iff
only for
with equality iff
only for
, what is truly. Observe that have equality if and only if

, what is truly. Observe that have equality if and only if
Remark 1. For
obtain the well-known inequalities
Remark 2. If the triangle
is acute, then the second inequality rezults from the first by the substitution
PP10. Prove that
Proof 1. For any
exist unique
so that
. Our inequality
Proof 2. We have
Another similar exercises.
PP11. Prove that in a triangle
thee is the inequality
, where
Proof 1. Since
obtain that 
. Using the well-known inequality 
remain to show
. Indeed,
, what is true.
Proof 2 (for any positive numbers a,b,c).
The inequality
is evidently and the ineguality
is equivalently with ![$3\left[\sum a^3+\sum a^2(b+c)\right]\ge \sum a^3+3\prod (b+c)\iff$](//latex.artofproblemsolving.com/c/6/e/c6e8c4789ed8dffce5e625cde12df1b9fcd880f6.png)
, what is evidently by A.M-G.M.
PP12. Let
be three positive numbers so that
. Prove that
Proof 1. Consider the function
. Since
for any
that the function
is concave
PP13. Prove that
Proof 1. Exist a triangle
and point
in it such that
. We have
. Where
is area of triangle
. By
we have the relation
. But this is truly because
Remark. Problem is trivial using inherent properties of the point
(Fermat's point) using
. The inequality gets reduced to
, i.e. if
the circumcentre, then we have to prove that
, which is true by original definition of
the Fermat's point (a point
inside triangle
(with each angle less than
) such that
is minimum).
Proof 2. We have
. Multiplying the inequalities 
we get
Thus, it suffices to show that

Proof 3. Be cause of homogeneity normalize it as
. Need to prove that
. On expanding it becomes 

, what is true.
PP14. Let
be a triangle. Prove that
Proof 1 (trigonometric). Prove easily that if
, then
, i.e.

Proof 2 (algebraic/geometric). From the relations
a.s.o. obtain that
. In conclusion, from the
upper remarkable inequalities obtain the chain
.See here.
PP15. Let
be a triangle. Prove that
and deduce that
Proof. From the well-known identity
obtain that
.Therefore, obtain similarly
is nonobtuse, then from
obtain that
. If
is obtuse, then you must find another proof. For example, see lower remark,
where we used only the remarkable inequality
. Thus,

PP16 Let
be a triangle. Prove that
Proof. Is evidently the implication
. Suppose that the relation
is truly. I"ll use
the relations
. I"ll show that
. So 
. Thus,

. In conclusion,

. Since
get that
PP17 Prove that
Proof 1.

, what is truly. We have equality if and only if
, i.e.
Proof 2.
. I used AM-GM and the concavity of the function SIN on
PP18. Prove that
Proof 1.

with equality iff
is an equilateral triangle.
Proof 2.
On the other hand,

. Now suppose w.l.o.g. that
isn't obtuse. Then
Proof 3. . Is well-known the inequality
, where
. Suppose w.l.o.g. that
isn't obtuse. For
obtain that
Proof 4. Observe that
![$-1-2\cos A[(\cos (B+C)+\cos (B-C)]\implies$](//latex.artofproblemsolving.com/4/4/a/44afb6df34ff66c1924e7ef053de1c72276b09e4.png)
. Therefore,
. Since 
obtain that
. In conclusion,

Proof. Prove easily an interesting and nice identity

Apply this identity in

Otherwise. Prove easily or is well-known that the powers of

Using this well-known identity


Otherwise. If

PP2. Prove that in any triangle

(click ==>) here

(click ==>) here

Proof. Prove easily that

![$3\left[1-\left(1-\frac rR\right)^2\right]\le $](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/9/0/c/90c46cb06216fd8c27860b10f66287813286affe.png)

Remark. Observe that



Proof. Show easily that the inequality

![$\sum\, \left[\frac {s(s-a)}{bc}\cdot\frac 1{\frac {a^3}{8R^3}}\right]\, \ge\, \frac 9{4\cdot\frac {abc}{8R^3}}$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/0/6/7/0676e73474ea5a1a0a9c6ffd26ac47aacee9c0cf.png)

and taking into account that :

But this inequality is true because it is weaker than Gerretsen's inequality i.e.

PP4. Prove that the remarkable inequality

Proof. I"ll use the inequality

Application. Let

respectively. Prove that the perimeter of triangle

Proof 1 (Luisgeometria). Denote the projections

![$EF\ge XY=AX+AY=[(s-b)+(s-c)]\cdot \sin \frac A2=$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/d/9/7/d9747b4db36107b58099e8eafad85370c95fdb47.png)

Proof 2 (Zephyredx). Denote


Remark. Observe that

![$[(s-b)-(s-c)]^2+2(s-b)(s-c)(1-\cos A)=$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/9/e/6/9e6d6c1781289c2007510444f84ba83bf3ca135a.png)


PP5. Prove that in any triangle there is the following chain of the equivalencies

Proof 1.
Show easily that

![$ \Longleftrightarrow (b^2+c^2)\left[b^2(a^2+c^2-b^2)+c^2(a^2+b^2-c^2)\right]\le 4a^2b^2c^2$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/5/f/f/5ff8dd99986dac48685be9573c84dad8b16bf975.png)

![$ (y+z)\left[x(y+z)+2yz-(y^2+z^2)\right]\le 4xyz\Longleftrightarrow$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/2/2/9/22922f45cff3352ec13d5a233ba515adf9b1d809.png)

Proof 2.

Use the relations

![$ \Longleftrightarrow\ \left(b^2 + c^2\right)\left[a^2 - (b - c)^2\right]\le 2a^2bc$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/d/3/0/d30f65d12d049d613aeaa013c1f4e6b64b8d2497.png)
![$ \Longleftrightarrow\ a^2\left[\left(b^2 + c^2\right) - 2bc\right]\le\left(b^2 + c^2\right)(b - c)^2$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/0/5/3/0530e46549d3ef999a5384550d1ebf8872d6841e.png)

Remark. For the last one on right side :


PP6. Let

If the quadrilateral

![$\frac{ 4\cdot [DEF] }{[ABC] } \leq \left( \frac{EF}{AD} \right)^2$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/0/5/9/059b75ea35d9d7ef80abc5c6200eb98cb488147a.png)
Proof. Denote the second intersection

![$\frac {4\cdot [DEF]}{[ABC]}=\frac {4\cdot [DEF]}{[LCB]}\cdot$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/4/3/a/43a49f6d4ffcacdd5dce330d05ac58106c055893.png)
![$\frac {[LCB]}{[ABC]}=$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/8/8/d/88d789d5078f88fd24f6c6068d9db26da419e23e.png)

PP7. Prove that in any triangle

Proof 1.

simple inequalities

![$\sqrt{(p-b)(p-c)}\cdot\left[\frac{b}{c(p-b)}+\frac{c}{b(p-c)}\right]\ge 2$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/0/4/f/04fce75ecefcbec340f230e9cb96d38364e897ff.png)
PP8. Let

Proof. Suppose w.l.o.g.

In conclusion,

Observe that

![$\left[\cos (x-y)+\frac {\sqrt 2}{2}\right]\ge\left(3+2\sqrt 2\right)\left[\cos (x-y)-\frac{\sqrt 2}{2}\right]$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/e/d/d/edd00fab10985e2589a5b5e0016d0e01c484e37a.png)

PP9. Let


![$2\left[\cos A-\frac{\lambda}{2}\cos (B-C)\right]^2+\frac {\lambda^2}{2}\sin^2(B-C)\ge 0$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/e/9/f/e9ff5694a89b94dc11a2bc8ec6e03cb7f31ee33e.png)

Remark 1. For

Remark 2. If the triangle

PP10. Prove that

Proof 1. For any

Proof 2. We have

Another similar exercises.

PP11. Prove that in a triangle

Proof 1. Since

remain to show

Proof 2 (for any positive numbers a,b,c).

The inequality

![$3\left[\sum a^3+\sum a^2(b+c)\right]\ge \sum a^3+3\prod (b+c)\iff$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/c/6/e/c6e8c4789ed8dffce5e625cde12df1b9fcd880f6.png)
![$2\sum a^3+3\sum a^2(b+c)\ge 3\left[2abc+\sum a^2(b+c)\right]\iff$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/5/e/a/5eaf0b348c92e00b769c80d9a9db786ba695123c.png)

PP12. Let

that the function

PP13. Prove that

Proof 1. Exist a triangle


Remark. Problem is trivial using inherent properties of the point

the circumcentre, then we have to prove that

the Fermat's point (a point

Proof 2. We have

we get

Thus, it suffices to show that

Proof 3. Be cause of homogeneity normalize it as


![$\left(u^2-4v\right)\left[2\left(u^2-4v\right)+6v+u+2+uv+2v^2\right]+\left(uv^2+uv\right)+5\left( v3/2-v1/2\right)^2+4v^2\ge 0$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/f/f/1/ff13341b0fd939fbab2f452a8eef515928a774bc.png)
PP14. Let

Proof 1 (trigonometric). Prove easily that if


Proof 2 (algebraic/geometric). From the relations

\sum (s-a)\ge 3\cdot\sqrt [3]{\prod (s-a)}\iff s^3\ge 27sr^2 & \iff & \boxed{3r\sqrt 3\le s} & (1)\\\\
3s^2=3\sum r_br_c\le \left(\sum r_a\right)^2=(4R+r)^2 & \iff & \boxed{s\sqrt 3\le 4R+r} & (2)\end{array}\right\|$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/9/f/a/9fae6d20b80191ec4e44a0be481829244e4d577b.png)
upper remarkable inequalities obtain the chain

PP15. Let

Proof. From the well-known identity


where we used only the remarkable inequality


PP16 Let

Proof. Is evidently the implication

the relations

PP17 Prove that

Proof 1.

![$1-4\sin x\left[\cos (y-z)-\sin x\right]\ge 0\iff$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/3/1/3/313556c03d1c444c86d23a471259ca3f5580dde1.png)

![$\left[2\sin x-\cos (y-z)\right]^2+\sin^2(y-z)\ge 0$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/0/8/e/08e1f5c7737d1c51ec7aab4e233fc89059783ac5.png)

Proof 2.

![$\left[0,\frac {\pi}{2}\right]$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/2/1/8/218957f184ff318bffc0781452c79af681ced9a0.png)
PP18. Prove that

Proof 1.
![$1-8\prod\cos A=1-4\cos A[\cos (B+C)+\cos (B-C)]=$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/0/e/9/0e9ff835ccd0ebe3a24beffde8906d074b52b18c.png)
![$1-4\cos A[-\cos A+\cos (B-C)]=$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/5/9/3/59391f50f5ce93cb3957193d3596855780d97768.png)

![$[2\cos A-\cos (B-C)]^2+\sin^2(B-C)\ge 0$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/0/f/d/0fd65a639c92be672ae7a9404c2eccf740ba1fd3.png)

Proof 2.

On the other hand,


Proof 3. . Is well-known the inequality

Proof 4. Observe that

![$-1-2\cos A[(\cos (B+C)+\cos (B-C)]\implies$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/4/4/a/44afb6df34ff66c1924e7ef053de1c72276b09e4.png)


This post has been edited 130 times. Last edited by Virgil Nicula, Nov 21, 2015, 7:43 AM