305. Position of the roots w.r.t. a given real number.
by Virgil Nicula, Jul 29, 2011, 9:39 PM
be an equation with real coefficients ,
and with the roots
. Assume is given a real
. Denote the discriminant
and the sum of roots
. I"ll study the positions of real roots
w.r.t. the given real number
, i.e. the position of
w.r.t. the interval
. Distinquish the following nine cases :
Remark. In the particular case
we have
(same sign). Thus, our debate becomes the study of the sign for the
roots, i.e. the study of the signs for
. Observe two interesting properties :
Example. Let
be three real numbers. Consider the equation
Prove that its roots
is really and
. Indeed, from
obtain required conclusion. Similarly the equation
has same properties.
PP1. Ascertain
so that
for any
Proof. I"ll debate w.r.t. the parameter
the sign of
and the positions of the roots of
w.r.t. the numbers
. Therefore,

From the upper table obtain that the sign of
is constant on the interval
namely : for
we have
and for
we have
, of course for any
PP2. Ascertain
so that the equation
has a maximum number of zeroes in the first dial, i.e.
Proof. With the substitution
, where
is a surjective function, the initial equation becomes
. Must to study the relative position of the real roots
of the equation
w.r.t. the real numbers
The transfer from this debate to the study of the nature/kind of zeroes of the initial equation I"ll perform so :
. I"ll study the signs (see the table from the previous problem) for
. Therefore obtain
and in this case the maximum number of zeroes is two !
PP3. Ascertain
so that for any
we have
Proof. Prove easily that the function
strict increasing and
. Thus, 

. Let
. Prove easily that
for any
. Therefore,
the solutions of the inequation
The required values of the parameter
so that
obtain from
, i.e. 
PP4. Prove that
for any
Proof. Observe that

. Thus,
for any ![$x\in [-1,1]\iff$](//latex.artofproblemsolving.com/1/3/3/13366138e74badbba2f38bc50f1bfa3f3a7c4726.png)
PP5. Ascertain
so that

Remark. In the particular case

roots, i.e. the study of the signs for

Example. Let

Prove that its roots

PP1. Ascertain

![$x\in [0,1]$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/5/6/1/561b0f8577e618149adc3fae918f20a4a4d4c5ca.png)
Proof. I"ll debate w.r.t. the parameter

From the upper table obtain that the sign of


namely : for

![$x\in [0,1]$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/5/6/1/561b0f8577e618149adc3fae918f20a4a4d4c5ca.png)
PP2. Ascertain

![$\left[0,\frac {\pi}{2}\right]$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/2/1/8/218957f184ff318bffc0781452c79af681ced9a0.png)
Proof. With the substitution

![$\phi :\left[0,\frac {\pi}{2}\right]\rightarrow\left[1,\sqrt 2\right]$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/e/9/c/e9c55a805899de88bd42618851170c7f963b2aa1.png)

The transfer from this debate to the study of the nature/kind of zeroes of the initial equation I"ll perform so :

![$m\in \left(2\sqrt 2-1,2\right]$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/f/b/c/fbc59186d9642743444676aed323cf58d0b27fd2.png)
PP3. Ascertain

Proof. Prove easily that the function

![$\left|\left(x+\frac 1x\right)-m\right|\le3\cdot\left[\left(x+\frac 1x\right)+1\right]\ (\forall )\ x\ge 1\iff$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/2/7/1/271e87fbade4124520289c24bab094d4b5a81718.png)

the solutions of the inequation

![$t\in S_m=\left\{\begin{array}{cccc}
\mathbb R & \iff & m=-1 & \left(t_1=t_2\right)\\\\
\left(-\infty,t_1\right]\cup\left[t_2,\infty\right) & \iff & m<-1 & \left(t_1<t_2\right)\\\\
\left(-\infty,t_2\right]\cup\left[t_1,\infty\right) & \iff & m>-1 & \left(t_2<t_1\right)\end{array}\right\|$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/6/7/a/67a83e78f6e03940c983fcf787cd8d88df5f0396.png)
The required values of the parameter

![$m\in\{-1\}\cup[-7,-1)\cup (-1,11]\implies$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/0/8/0/08055eff48e602b3907f443299f27c68a521a689.png)
![$\boxed{m\in [-7,11]}$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/f/1/7/f17b6c42943587f3545350231c0badaa0846b1e2.png)
PP4. Prove that

![$x\in [-1,1]\ \iff\ h(-1)\le 4$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/9/0/0/900fd5d86ed14921317291806120d082394467ca.png)
Proof. Observe that

![$x\in [-1,1]\iff$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/1/3/3/13366138e74badbba2f38bc50f1bfa3f3a7c4726.png)

PP5. Ascertain

![$\left\{y\in\mathbb R\left|\ (\exists )\ x\in\mathbb R\ \mathrm {so\ that\ } y=\frac {x^2+mx+1}{x^2-x+1}\right|\right\}\subset [-3,2]$](http://latex.artofproblemsolving.com/c/d/2/cd2b82cefa0c790a1acb74e46c17091875905058.png)
This post has been edited 91 times. Last edited by Virgil Nicula, Nov 20, 2015, 7:05 PM