200. Some nice applications of the inversion.

by Virgil Nicula, Dec 28, 2010, 4:30 PM

Proposed problem 1. Let $ ABC$ be a $A$-right triangle with $ AB = AC$ . Denote the midpoint $D$ of $[BC]$ and for a mobile point $ M\in AD$ denote the othogonal projections

$N$ , $P$ of the point $ M$ on $ AB$ , $ AC$ respectively. Is given a line $d$ so that $B\in d$ and $d\perp AB$ . Denote $E\in d\cap PD$ and the projection $H$ of the point $N$ on $PD$ .

1) Prove that $ B, M, H$ are collinearly.

2) Find the place of the point $ M$ for which the area of $ \triangle ABH$ is maximum.

3) Prove that for any point $M\in AD$ the line $HN$ pass through a fixed point.


$ 1\blacktriangleright$ Observe that $ANMHP$ is cyclically (the circle $ w$ with diameter $ AM$ ). Hence $ HM\perp HA$ and $ \boxed {\ \widehat {AMH}\equiv\widehat {HPC}\ }\ (1)$ .

Since $ \widehat {HPC}\equiv\widehat {DPC}\equiv\widehat {DNB}$ (by symmetry) obtain $ \boxed {\ \widehat {HPC}\equiv\widehat {DNB}\ }\ (2)$ . Since $ BNMD$ is cyclically obtain

$ \boxed {\ \widehat {DNB}\equiv\widehat {DMB}\ }\ (3)$ . From three upper relations results $ \widehat {AMH}\equiv\widehat {DMB}$ . But $ M\in AD\ \implies\ M\in BH$ .

Remark. Denote $ R\in AH\cap BC$ . The point $ M$ is the orthocenter of the triangle $ ABR$ and $ R\in MN$ . The line $ \overline {BDRC}$ is image

by the inversion of the circle $ w$ with the pole $ A$ and the power $ p$ because $ p = AN\cdot AB = AM\cdot AD = AH\cdot AR = AP\cdot AC$ .

$ 2\blacktriangleright$ Since $ H$ belongs to the circle with the diameter $ [AB]$ , then the area $ [ABH]$ is maximum iff

the distance of the point $ H$ to the diameter $ AB$ is maximum, i.e. $ H: = D$ what means $ M: = D$ .

$ 3\blacktriangleright$ The point $ H$ belongs to the circumcircle (fixed) of the triangle $ ABD$ . Since $ m(\widehat {NHA}) = m(\widehat {NHB}) = 45^{\circ}$

obtain that the ray $ [HN$ is the bisector of the angle $ \widehat {AHB}$ . Thus, the line $ HN$ passes through the (fixed) point $ F$

which is the reflection of the point $ D$ w.r.t. the line $ AB$ , i.e. the quadrilateral $ ADBF$ is a square.

Proposed problem 2 (from Mihai Miculita). Let $(O_1)$ , $(O_2)$ , $(O_3)$ and $(O_4)$ be four circles with common point $P$ so that the pairs

of circles $(O_1)$ and $(O_3)$ , $(O_2)$ and $(O_4)$ are each exterior tangent. Denote $A$ , $B$ , $C$ and $D$ the second intersection point of

circles $(O_1)$ and $(O_2)$ , $(O_2)$ and $(O_3)$ , $(O_3)$ and $(O_4)$ , $(O_1)$ and $(O_4)$ respectively. Prove that $\boxed{\frac{BA\cdot BC}{DA\cdot DC}=\left(\frac{PB}{ PD}\right)^2}\ (*)$ .

Proof. Apply the inversion with pole pole $P$ and the power $p$ , i.e. $PA\cdot PA_1=$ $PB\cdot PB_1=$ $PC\cdot PC_1=$ $PD\cdot PD_1=p$ and the circles $(O_1)$ , $(O_2)$ , $(O_3)$ ,

$(O_4)$ become four lines $D_1A_1$ , $A_1B_1$ , $B_1C_1$ , $C_1D_1$ so that $A_1B_1\parallel C_1D_1$ and $D_1A_1\parallel B_1C_1$ . Thus $A_1B_1C_1D_1$ is a parallelogram. Using the relations

$A_1B_1=p\cdot \frac{AB}{PA\cdot PB}$ a.s.o. the relation $(*)$ becomes $\dfrac{PB^2\cdot A_1B_1\cdot B_1C_1}{PD^2\cdot A_1D_1\cdot D_1C_1}=\dfrac{PB^2}{PD^2}$ , what is truly because $A_1B_1=C_1D_1$ and $C_1B_1=D_1A_1$ .

Proposed problem 3. Let $ d$ be a fixed line and let $ F$ be a fixed point so that $ F\not\in d$ . Let $ \{M,N\}\subset d$ be two points

so that $ m(\widehat {MFN}) = \phi$ (constant). Prove that the circumscircle of the triangle $ MFN$ is allway tangent to a fixed circle.

Proof. Denote the projection $ D$ of the point $ F$ on the line $ d$ and $ FD = k$ . The circle $ w$ with diameter $ [FD]$ meets again the lines $ FM$ , $ FN$ in the points $ X$ , $ Y$ respectively. Observe that $ [XY] = k\cdot\sin\phi$ (constant). Thus, the geometrical locus of the midpoint of the segment $ [XY]$ is a fixed circle $ w'$ which is concentrically with the circle $ w$ and the mobile line $ XY$ is allway tangent to circle $ w'$ . The inversion $ f$ with the center $ F$ and the power $ k^2$ takes the line $ XY$ into the circumcircle $ w_{mn}$ of $ \triangle MFN$ because $ \left\|\begin{array}{ccc} FX\cdot FM = k^2 & \implies & f(K) = M \\
\ FY\cdot FN = k^2 & \implies & f(Y) = N\end{array}\right\|$ , i.e $ f(XY) = w_{mn}$ . Thus, the inversion of the circle $ w'$ is a fixed circle which is tangent to the any circle $ w_{mn}$ because any line $ XY$ is tangent to the circle $ w'$ .

A similar problem Given are a circle $w$ and a fixed point $ F\not\in w$ . For two mobile points $\{M,N\}\subset w$ so that $MN=k$ (constant) define

the second intersections $ X$ , $ Y$ of the circle $ w$ with $FM$ , $ FN$ respectively. Prove that the circumcircle $\triangle XFY$ is allway tangent to a fixed circle.

Proposed problem 4.The incircle of a non-isosceles $\triangle ABC$ has center $I$ and touches $BC$, $CA$ and $AB$ in $A^{\prime}$, $B^{\prime}$

and $C^{\prime}$ respectively. Denote $P\in AA'\cap BB'$ , $M\in A'C'\cap AC$ and $N\in B'C'\cap BC$ . Prove that $IP\perp MN$ .

Proof. Denote $X\in AA'\cap IN,\ Y\in BB'\cap IM$ . From the well-known relations $IN\perp AA'$ and $IM\perp BB'$ results $IX\cdot IN=r^2$ and

$IY\cdot IM=r^2$ , i.e. $MN$ is the image of the circumcircle the diameter $[IP]$ through the inversion with the pole $I$ and the power $r^2$. Therefore, $IP\perp MN$ .
This post has been edited 21 times. Last edited by Virgil Nicula, Nov 22, 2015, 5:25 PM



Own problems or extensions/generalizations of some problems which was posted here.


Virgil Nicula
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